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Misaki's Pov

My alarm went off, my first intention was to smash it before I realized today was the final day at the academy. I had tried to help Naruto with his training before he went off on his own saying something about a scroll. I didn't really bother me much so I let him off.

I shot up and went to go do my morning routine. I showered, brushed my teeth and hair before putting on my new mission outfit.
I looked at the mirror as I stared at my dull cyan like eyes., as they looked much like my father's. I smoothed out my outfit and grabbed my ninja headband and put it on my right thigh before walking out the door.

 I smoothed out my outfit and grabbed my ninja headband and put it on my right thigh before walking out the door

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I was wearing a long black shirt over a pair of dark purple shorts; the shirt was complemented by a sleeveless purple crop-top jacket along with black knee-high sandals that the third hokage gave me. At first, I was unsure about accepting the sandals, and considering my rank is a Genin it will draw attention due to the different color. But he assured me it was because I am the exception to the rule due to my efforts before being placed into the academy.

You see after a surprise visit in the hospital he had taken me under his wing, he had taught me the basics and furthered my training to exceed one of a Genin. That only pushed my further to start doing missions without a team even sending me out on s- ranked missions. I have always worked solo, I almost thought about joining the Anbu before he placed into the academy. I didn't like the fact that he commented on me need to be more social with others and learn to work together with others.

I was walking in the direction of the academy to be assigned my team, I was lost in thought of what would I do when I'm paired up with my new 'comrades'. I did not pay attention of what was around me until I bumped into something or someone. I stumbled back a bit and looked up to see I bumped into Sakura. "Ow! What the hell!?" Sakura turned around and saw me behind her before glaring slightly. "Watch where your going ya freak!" She then turned around and continued walking.

At first I was confused of why she was so rude, before I remembered beating her in the first match I had since the academy. I shook my head and scanned my outfit for dirt and brushed off any that got on my outfit and continued walking towards the academy.

Sasuke's POV

I was sitting in my seat waiting for Iruka-Sensei to arrive, while thinking over my time in the academy. Nothing really happened except learning ninjutsu and hand to hand combat. Not including Naruto getting into trouble. I heard the door open, and I turned to see black hair and blue eyes glancing over the room, soon enough meeting my gaze. The black-haired female walked into the room closing the door behind her and making her way to an empty seat. I find quite intriguing since she had been enrolled in the academy. Misaki was very quiet and barely talked to anyone other than the teacher, and that's a below the bare minimum. Her combat skills are something else though, it was like she was a completely different person while fighting and I wanted to see it for myself for the second time since our little match.

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