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Misaki's Pov

I eyed the man who called himself Ibuki as I saw the scars on his face, the ninja in the room went rigid as they saw the man in front of them. I merely rolled my eyes at how they were so intimidated by this man when they were glaring and acting all big and bad before he got here. It was a few years ago but I happened to come across him while I was training under the third hokage, he had to deliver a report to him, so I was excused from training early which was unusual.

He then pointed his finger towards me, the sound ninja and the rest of the genin squad. "You, from the Hidden Sound Village! No doing as you please before the exam!" He reprimanded them, "Do you want to be failed at the get go!?" I side eyed the ninja as the one with bandaged wrapped around his face apologized and made up the excuse that it was their first exam. I merely rolled my eyes before the instructor laid his eyes on me. I could feel him eyeing me up and down before directing his attention to the front of the room. "Hmph. This is a good opportunity so I'll say this, there will be no battle or competitions without the permission of proctors!" He said as the room was deadly silent, I then felt his gaze directed back to me. "And even if you got permission, actions that could lead to the death of an opponent will not be permitted." He emphasized as I knew he had figured out who I was, just by looking at me.

"Any pig that screws with me will be disqualified immediately." He said as he glared at the entire room full of ninja. "Got that!?" He yelled out for confirmation for understanding, I heard one of the sound ninja scoffs and say this will be easy. I simply rolled my eyes as Ibuki then told us to line up and turn in our application papers and get a number in return to find our seats to wait to be handed our paper tests. "WAIT....A PAPER TEST...!?" Naruto shouted, and I knew for sure that I had to lose some type of hearing from being around him. After a while we were all seated, I was placed right in front of Ibuki while the others were spread out in the middle of the room. There were chunin inspectors placed on both sides of the room, I looked over to my left as I saw a woman with long black hair and brown eyes glaring at me. I gritted my teeth as I recognized her, my mother was an inspector for the chunin exams, in order to keep myself from getting pissed off I tore my gaze away from her as I forced my attention up front.

Ibuki then tapped the chalk on the chalk board in the room to get our attention as he began to lay out the rules for the exam. "Rule number one, ten points will be given to each of you at the start of the exam. The test will have 10 questions and will be one point each, this test is a point deduction system, you will get one point deducted each for every question you get wrong. If you get caught cheating it will be a two-point deduction from your final grade." He said as I started to tune him out a little, I thought about what questions will be on the exam until I heard Ibuki mention that if one of the members on any squad gets a zero the team will automatically fail. I glanced over slightly to see Naruto panicking. 'I forgot he doesn't do that well on tests...this could prove to be a problem...' I thought as I looked back in front of me. "The final question won't be given until fifteen minutes before the test is over. You'll have one hour." Ibuki said as the room became deadly quiet. "Begin!" He exclaimed; I flipped over my paper as I took a mere glance at the questions, they were a little difficult, but it wasn't all that complicated.

All of the questions were based off uncertain possibilities and advanced codes, after giving it another look, I started to fill out the questions. Around ten minutes later I was finished as I checked over my answers. I glanced up towards Ibuki as his eyes met mine, he sent me a smirk as if he knew I finished the exam. I then looked over to the clock to see that there was roughly 30 minutes left before the final question, I then propped my arm on the desk as I rested my chin on my palm as I eyed my paper.

  'I wonder how the others are doing...too bad I was placed front and center. Though I guess they did that on purpose to keep them from using my answers.' I thought, I lightly tapped my fingers on the desk as I glanced over to the left making eye contact with my mother, glaring at her in the process. 'Now that I think about it...wouldn't cheating be considered an automatic failure...?' I thought as I came to a sudden realization. 'They want us to cheat and not get caught...! Well...it wouldn't apply to me, but it would make sense considering the two-point deduction for each time your caught cheating. Even if they placed ninja Chunin and above around the classroom taking the exam...everyone will rely on uncertainty.' I felt my lips tug up into a lopsided smirk as I eyed Ibuki who in return raised a brow as he faced forward.

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