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Sasuke's Pov

I woke up at about six in the morning later than usual, though that was from my late conversation with Misaki last night. It didn't take me long to get dressed and pack up any needed equipment for today, I tied my headband around my forehead and slipped on my blue sandals in order to go out. I shut the door behind me and locked it so nothing would get stolen, I then proceeded to walk over next door to Misaki's apartment and knocked on the door. After about a minute or two the door opened, revealing Misaki in a short blue kimono that was a little snug against her waist that in my opinion complemented her figure. Her headband around her neck, her thick black curly hair was down and flowing down her back. Her eyes looked a tad bit swollen but that was to be expected from her crying last night.

"Oh hey..Sasuke, come in I'm almost finished. You can sit at the table in the kitchen, it's on the left." She said, and stepped to the side in order to let me inside her apartment. I thanked her and stepped inside and walked towards her kitchen to sit down and wait for her.

Her apartment was structured like mine but it was more of a simple decoration, her walls were baby blue and her furniture was white. After a few minutes she came into the kitchen with her weapon pouch in her hand. "Have you eaten yet Sasuke?" I shook my head no and she set down the pouch.

"I can make something really quick before we have to go, do you know what you want to eat?" She asked me, I shrugged and she took it as a sign to make whatever. I watched her as she pulled out a mixing bowl and a frying pan with three eggs and cheese. She then opened up a cabinet and tried to reach what seemed like some sort of seasoning. As she was standing on her tip toes, I quietly stood up and got behind her. It looked like she was reaching for the salt and pepper, I grabbed both of the seasonings and handed them to her. She looked up at me and muttered a small 'thank you', before starting to mix up the ingredients.

I backed away to give her some space before I started to get lost in my thoughts. 'Maybe I was wrong about her being small because she wasn't eating, it could be from her being malnourished. And if that's the case it would explain her fatigue while we were on that mission a few days ago. And when Kakashi brought up Haruto Fujioka she freaked out and had a panic attack. I was lost in thought before a plate of scrambled eggs was placed in front of me along with three pieces of bacon. Misaki sat across from me with her own plate, I thanked her and began to eat along with her. After we finished breakfast, I helped her wash and put up the dishes.

We then exited out of her apartment, she closed and locked the door behind her as we made our way to the bridge. "Hey Misaki, I have a question for you, it's been kind of bugging me." I said looking over to her, she sighed and nodded for me to continue. "I understand the part about your parents and everything that was done to you, but the part I don't understand is why didn't you tell the third hokage about it when you were in the hospital?" I asked her in a low tone so no one would ease drop on our conversation. Misaki huffed, "I didn't want to deal with it anymore. Back then I knew my father was suffering, and I didn't want him to be hurt any further..." She paused.

I gave her a side glance as we continued to walk, "I then saw them two years after the incident making me about nine and a half, they had a toddler with them. And my mother wasn't harming him, nor did I see any marks, Zabuza said she wanted me gone because I was a demon of sorts. He said something about my aura and that I could keep up with Haku without any clan kekei genkai, though I highly doubt I have anything special" She finished, I saw that her hands were balled up into a fist and she was shaking. We were close to bridge seeing as it was in sight, so I took this chance to stop and take hold of her hands. She was confused at first, I rubbed my thumb over her knuckles to try and ease her tension. She visibly relaxed, her dull cyan eyes seemed to soften, and I formed a small smile on my face. I let go of her hands and we walked the rest of the way towards the bridge, Sakura was already there waiting on us. Now we just had to wait on Naruto and Kakashi.

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now