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No one's Pov

"Sasuke I'm at point B" The raven haired boy responded hiding behind a tree. "Sakura I'm at point C" The pinkette not to far behind him. "Naruto I'm at point A" The blonde responded moments later. "Your slow Naruto" The gray haired man responded standing next to a black haired girl. She sighed and placed her hand on her ear piece to listen. "Alright squad seven hm..." A shadowy figure has moved from its pervious position. "The target has moved, follow it!" The man exclaimed, the girl glanced over about to go closer in case the three needed help. Just as the pale brown-skinned girl moved the man gently put his arm out in front of her, getting the gesture she stayed put.

"What's your distance from the target?" He asked still keeping his arm in front of the girl. "Five meters, I'm ready just give me the signal" Naruto responded a second later "I'm ready too" The raven boy chimed in along with the pinkette. "Ok......Now!" The white haired man finally responded. Sounds of movement were heard as a cat hissing was present along with Naruto screeching. The black haired girl looked at her new sensei, Kakashi as she sat down. She questioned why she wasn't able to help with this mission since it was just a D-rank along with the other ones they had over the last few days. After a few minutes Naruto yelled into the earpiece. "Can't we get a better mission than this!? I hate cats!" The boy yelled causing the girl to groan and take out the earpiece. "Gosh darn it Naruto that hurt...." she mumbled.

Misaki's Pov

After a while we returned to the academy where ninja go to receive missions, the cat that the other three retrieved was being smothered to death- no not literally. 'No wonder why it ran away.' I thought, as we were about to get another D-rank mission Naruto complained to the hokage. I was about to interfear when Iruka-sensei yelled at him. I tuned them out as I thought back to the other day.


Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto were all kneeling in front of me. I was really confused on what they were doing. "Um....what are you doing...?" I asked a little confused, but I also found what they were doing a little amusing, it's not an everyday chance to see the three with the most egotistic behavior kneeling in front of you. I bet their pride is serious damaged, I stared down at them as they had a grim expression on their faces. "Misaki-Chan... we wanted to apologize for how wrong we were to treat you like that during the survival test." Naruto said in a sorrowful tone. 'So, this is what this is about huh...? Well, they have another thing coming if they thought I was going to let them off so easily!' As I was about to speak Sakura beat me to it. "You were right about us, we should had worked together as a team. It was our fault for not taking notice of  how you went out of your way to help us and not forming a strategy that could had been more beneficial to help us bond as a team." I sighed; I really just wanted them to work harder not to give me a whole apology though its much accepted.

Sasuke then spoke up, "Misaki, I didn't deserve the kindness you shared by giving me that bell. You deserved it more than me and Naruto. Not only did you sacrifice what you wanted to do for the test we made it harder on you and caused you to do the work by yourself. It was unforgivable, if we want to achieve our goals we should at least work together to improve." Sasuke finished speaking, it took me awhile to comprehend that they were actually sincere I almost felt bad for yelling at them like that.

"Your apology is accepted...but that doesn't mean I'll let you off the hook so easily. You'll have to work for it if you really want me to-" I was cut off by a sudden hug from Naruto, to which startled me as I tensed a bit. I was going to yell at him but when I saw that contagious smile of his, I eased up and decided to let him do it causing an unnoticeable smile on my lips. "Thank you, Misaki-Chan you won't regret this!"

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now