Its ok i got you..(Christmas special 🎄)

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So this is a little Drabble I wrote late Christmas Eve cause why not. This is a timeskip to the shippuden era but in this version Sasuke stayed in village. This of course has nothing to do with the story but hope you enjoy!

Misaki's Pov

"A Christmas Party...?" I mumbled as I read out the words on the paper Ino had given me. "Yeah, everyone from the academy is invited and I figured even though you weren't with us long you were still a part of our class." The blonde said as I looked at her with a mix of curiosity and confusion, I glanced down at the paper to see that the party is in 3 days, and it starts at 6:30pm. It was heavily snowing outside, and it was almost unbearable to be out for long. I shivered as the snow was falling on me, as I continued to converse with the blonde in front of me.
"Thanks for the invite, but I'm not sure I'll be very welcomed there..." I said honestly, as I didn't really know any of them and I only really talk to Sasuke( my boyfriend). Ino sighed as she lightly patted my shoulder, "Think it over okay..? It'll be nice to have everyone hang out with no bickering." She said as I received a smile as I watched her turn around and walk away.
I merely shrugged as I turned around in the opposite direction to head home. Stuffing the paper into my short's pocket, I began to trudge my way home. My eyes stared ahead as snow covered the streets of Konoha, people out with their families shopping for last minute items, children running around and playing with their friends and family. I could only glare in hatred as I was never able to experience such a feeling. I never liked Christmas, not because I never got anything but because my dad and I weren't allowed to be happy.
Tried to make cookies for the holiday when I was around 3 only for my 'mother' to come in and drag my father away. His screams were so loud that night, we tried to celebrate the following year but in return mother broke his legs and my wrist. It was safe to say we didn't try to celebrate anymore holidays.

It didn't take me long to get home as I opened the door, removing my thick jacket and putting it on the coat rack. I turned my head as I looked at my empty apartment, void of any color or decorations to acknowledge the holiday. 'What a waste of time...celebrating a useless holiday...' I thought as I kicked off my shoes as I made my way to my bed, flopping down on the mattress as I felt my eyes droop.

It wasn't long before I felt a dip in the bed as arms wrapped themselves around me, holding my body from behind. I slowly opened my eyes feeling my back against a hard chest. "Sasuke...?"I asked, only to get a kiss on my nape causing me to let out a quiet moan. I felt him smile against my nape as his grip tightened on me. I turned around to face him, with a pout on my lips from his teasing. He kissed my forehead as he sighed bringing me close.
"Welcome home Sasuke." I greeted him, you see Sasuke and I decided around a year ago to move in together. Even though technically on paper it says he lives next door, he has spent almost every night with me since we started dating. "How was your day Misaki?" He asked, causing me to sigh. "Since it's snowing I couldn't really train properly, nothing wanted to stick to the I decided to walk around the village...well that was until I was stopped by Ino." I said, grumbling about receiving the Christmas invitation.
"She invited me to a Christmas party; I told her I'll think about it, but I don't like parties..." I answered honestly as I felt him move one of his hands to lightly rake his hand through my scalp, I closed my eyes and sighed at the relaxing feeling. "That's not all there is to it...go on I'm listening." Sasuke said quietly, I felt at ease knowing I could share all my thoughts with him and not be judged for how I feel.
"Even though I graduated with you all, I still feel like I shouldn't be there. I was only there because of the third hokage's word. And besides that, I never celebrated the holiday before and she probably only invited me out of pity..." I answered honestly, I heard him sigh as I felt his arms wrap around my waist.
"Sakura maybe like that, but Ino is more honest and would rather have fun with everyone rather than keep up petty drama. Even if it didn't seem like it when we were Genin. As for you not celebrating Christmas, there isn't anything special about it other than gift giving and having a good time with friends and family, but remember if you don't want to go, you don't have to." Sasuke reassured me before he kissed my forehead as he urged me to sleep.

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now