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Ok so this is half filler, and half  actual plot before the next chapter and to kinda help Sasuke and Misaki's relationship become closer than it already was. And this is the good ending version of the story. But I hope y'all enjoy

Misaki's POV
It was the next day and we we're waiting on Kakashi once again at the bridge. I didn't sleep much last night, I kept thinking about that letter I received from Zabuza and what he had meant by 'being possessed'. I gritted my teeth as I felt the urge to punch something when I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone staring at me. Slowly looking up I saw it was Naruto, I slightly tilted my head and raised one of my brows. "What is it?" I asked "You were spacing out, are you alright?" He asked, as I noticed Sasuke and Sakura looking at me as well. "I'm fine, just a little tired is all." I replied, Naruto nodded and Sakura rolled her eyes mumbling something under her breath as I noticed Sasuke was still looking at me.
I forced a weak smile, before he had shuffled closer to me. As he then leaned closer to my ear. "Do you want to talk about it later tonight?" He whispered, I thought about it before shaking my head 'no'. Kakashi then appeared out of nowhere, before giving out another lame excuse of why he was late. I rolled my eyes a little as he jumped down in front of us.
"Alright I know this is a little sudden but i recommended you for the chunin exams, all four of you." Kakashi said, as I looked at him almost convinced that the strange genin we met yesterday was meant to be. "These are the application forms." Kakashi held them out to us, and I immediately took one of them. Sakura questioned him as Kakashi then explained that it was all voluntary, I hoped that if she applied, she would take it seriously. Even though I don't have the best relationship with Sakura at the moment I don't want her to get seriously hurt. Naruto ran towards our sensei excited about the relatively good news.
I sighed, as I made eye contact with Kakashi. "I'll be sure to fill this out and turn it in as soon as I can, since you recommended me it would be foolish to turn the offer down." I said about to bow, when Sasuke put his arm in front of me keeping me from doing so. It kinda annoyed me when he kept doing gestures like that, but I knew he was doing that only because the wound I had received from the land of waves was still bothering me. Kakashi then placed Naruto down as he told us where to turn it in and what time it starts. After Kakashi left, we started to make our way back towards the village.
As we walked, I thought about how I should prepare for the chunin exams. 'Maybe I should come up with a new jutsu....no I should master the ones I know completely before coming up with something new.' As I continued to walk, I didn't realize I had strayed away from the group until I bumped into someone. 'Gosh darn it Misaki! Always got to bump into people-' I froze my train of thought as I saw the last person I ever wanted to see. My father and that bitch Kanna....they were staring directly at me, I glanced at my father as I noticed bandages wrapped around his neck and hands before glaring at the woman beside him, mumbling out an apology and began to walk away, only to be stopped by a harsh tug on my wrist. I turned around to see my Kanna harshly gripping my wrist like I just pissed in her favorite cereal as she looked at me wide-eyed almost as if she seen a ghost. "Ano....I'm really sorry for bumping into you, could you please let go of my hand...?" I asked, barely keeping the anger out of my voice. I took notice that my father was looking at me and mom worriedly before ultimately accepting my apology and pulling her away from me as they made their way to the bridge.
I grumbled out curses as I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, expecting it to be one of my parents I flipped the switch and started to yell. "Look, I already apologized for bumping into you so leave me alone damn it!" I cursed only for someone to hear a familiar chuckle of laughter, embarrassed I turned around to see Sasuke smirking at me. I frowned at him as he teased me for my clumsiness, judging by my cursing. "It's not funny Boke!" I exclaimed as he slowly stopped and looking at me with a small smile on his face.
I rolled my eyes as I quickly noticed how close he was to me, as I felt a little flustered. "I noticed you walked away from the group so I came to check on you, judging by your string curses I assume your just fine." I sighed at his words a little before nodding. "Well since you followed me, wanna go train before it gets too late?" I offered, and since he owes me one he has no right to say no. "You didn't even have to ask, come on I want to try out some of my moves on you anyways. We haven't fought since your first day at the academy." He said as we started to walk together, as we found ourselves in a comfortable silence I realized that I found someone who I can consider my friend. My first friend too, I smiled a little at the thought before I suddenly felt that something was off. I stopped immediately as I looked in front of me to see a guy wearing a hat with the hidden rain village symbol, purple and white pants with a black cape cascading down his back. Sasuke stopped as well taking a look at him before the man suddenly charged towards us. I immediately stepped forward only to be lightly pushed back by Sasuke, as the two men duked it out throwing jabs at each other before Sasuke inevitably won. I frowned realizing that he was trying to 'protect me' from some guy when I was completely capable of kicking the guy's ass myself. "Stay out of our village" Sasuke muttered before grabbing my hand and taking me with him to go train. I pouted a little, which went unnoticed as we finally entered the training grounds when he let go. "Sorry that I didn't allow you to fight, I wanted to finish it quickly so I can fight you myself." He said and i shrugged it off as we got into our fighting stances as we were prepared to fight for as long it would take to claim a winner.
It was absolutely silent, the only thing you could hear was the wind and the occasional sound of leaves falling on the ground. And within a matter of seconds we were at each other's throats, as we were swinging and taking blows from each other left and right, not willing to stop for anyone only trying to hit each other with much more force trying to catch each other off guard.
Suddenly, Sasuke sent a kick flying towards my head as I quickly blocked it with my wrist, turning swiftly to land a punch to his abdomen only to be grabbed and flipped over. I landed on my back as I saw Sasuke try to quickly restrain my movement as I rolled over to avoid his grip, I sent a quick kick to the back of his knees as he fell over and I quickly got on top. Holding him down with my weight as my thighs kept him in place, while I stared down at him. He was surprised, as he placed his hands on my upper thighs resting them there. I felt my face get hot as he looked up at me with those big dark eyes of his, I broke eye contact as I started to get up from sitting on his legs only to be stopped by his grip on my thighs.
"Sasuke you can let go now...this round is over.." I mumbled, closing my eyes as I felt one of his hands rise up to my waist. The next thing I knew was that he was sitting up with me on his lap as I felt his intense gaze on me. "Misaki...look at me." I could tell from the tone of his voice he was commanding me, I could feel my stomach do kart wheels at the sound of his voice. I slowly opened my eyes as they landed on his pale neck, even though I was on top of him my height didn't really help me much. I felt his fingers under my chin as he lifted my head up so I can make eye contact with him, we stared at each other for what seemed like forever was only five minutes. 'Sasuke would never touch me like this. He wouldn't out of respect of my space, hell he doesn't even get closer than three feet in any normal situation...However, this situation is different we never trained together before and we certainly never touched each other except for throwing blows...except those few moments I lost my composure...' I was beginning to panic a little before I felt a soft pair of lips touch my forehead, and then I lost it. It was official I was a blushing mess, after he pulled away, I hid my face in his neck too embarrassed to look at him. I felt his hand play with my hair and his other hand rubbing my upper back to soothe me. "T-this isn't a genjutsu is it...?" I asked startled by his actions, I was nervous that I had fallen into a trap but when I heard his laugh my heart swelled a bit. "No, it's not, and besides I'm positive you would've already broken out of it three times over by now." Sasuke chuckled, I sighed a little in relief and frustration. This is the first time I had experienced anything like this before, I felt weirdly happy with it. We stayed like that for a little while longer until it got dark, after Sasuke grabbed my hand, we went home together.
I leaned my head on his shoulder, which resulted in me being picked up as he carried me back the rest of the way. Too embarrassed to say anything I shoved my face in his chest, I could feel his teasing gaze staring down at me. 'Kill me now Jasin! He's going to be the death of me with his teasing!' I yawned as I felt the soreness in my body and my lack of sleep catch up with me as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

My other half! Sasukex oc.  [Slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now