Chapter 16

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Aeliana woke up the next day thanks to Flora. When she stretched her arms and yawned, she glanced down to her side and found Darius asleep beside her.

It took her a moment before remembering that Darius had come in last night and after they talked for a long time, they had fallen asleep without realising.

She shook her brother and sleepily muttered, "Brother wake up..."

Darius furrowed his brows before flipping over. Aeliana huffed, blowing her bangs slightly up before shaking him even harder.

"Brother! Wake up!"

"Five more minutes..please.."

"I need to get ready for my class!!"

After a few more vigorous shaking, Darius woke up and slowly got out of her bed. Aeliana rolled her eyes and hurriedly pushed her brother out. She then got dressed with the help of Flora.

She wore a baby blue dress and tied her hair up into a ponytail. Flora held her hand as they walked down the hallway.

Aeliana felt her stomach growling so she tugged on Flora's hand lightly and asked, "Flora? What's for breakfast?"

"Bacon and eggs alongside some bread and fruits. There is also mushroom soup on the side."

Aeliana licked her lips and impatiently said, "Can we hurry to the dining room then? I'm starving!"

Flora smiled at her and shook her head, "Unfortunately, you won't be having breakfast with your family, my lady."


"You will be having breakfast with your etiquette tutor."

Aeliana nearly tripped over her feet as she heard Flora's words, "...What?"

Flora brought her to another room instead of the dining hall and knocked on the door.

"You may come in." a stern voice spoke behind the door.

After Aeliana heard the voice, she couldn't help but gulp down with nervousness. Flora opened the door and glanced over at her. She knew that was the sign for her to walk inside and greet. As she walked in, she saw a graceful figure sitting on the sofa, looking over at her.

"Good...good morning, madam."

Aeliana winced slightly at her stammer. The elegant woman frowned slightly before speaking,

"Where is your curtsy?'' The tone was cold and sharp, sending shivers down Aeliana's spine.

Aeliana stood still in the quiet room. She didn't know how to do a curtsy but she knew that elegant woman wants her to do it no matter what.

Unable to get out of the situation, Aeliana tried her best to do a curtsy. She placed her right foot behind her left and awkwardly bent her knees which nearly caused her to fall frontwards. She heard a soft sigh and hurriedly returned back to her standing position.

Aeliana knew her cheeks were probably dusted pink from the embarrassment. The elegant woman slowly got up from her seat and walked towards Aeliana. She stared only for a mere second before speaking,

"Your curtsy was clumsy and terrible but with enough practice, you will perfect it." the elegant woman lightly clapped her hands together before showing a small smile.

"My name is Lucy D'Aramitz. I shall be your tutor starting from today onwards and I am quite known to be very strict. You may call me Madam D'Aramitz."

Aeliana slowly nodded, "Yes, madam.."

Lucy turns to Flora. Flora bows and quietly leaves the room. Once the door was closed, Madam D'Aramitz turned back to Aeliana.

"For today's lesson, we shall be learning how to do a proper curtsy and table manners."

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