Chapter 2

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Yeonjin was sitting in her office chair, typing away. The lights inside the office were turned off and the only light source she had came from the computer in front of her. The clock hanging on the wall ticked loudly in the quiet office, the hour hand hovering close to midnight.

Suddenly the typing sound stopped and a groan was heard. Yeonjin stretched her sore arms before yelling out,

"I'm done!!"

She quickly cleaned up her things and switched the computer off. After checking that everything was turned off, she locked the office door and left. As she left the office building, she took her phone out and checked the notifications she had received.

Taking the usual route back to her apartment, she leisurely looked through all the messages before stopping at the last one. A smile crept up her lips.

Clicking on the message, she began to read it.

Donghae: Everyone! I passed my finals for college!!

Sungho: Waaaah congrats brother.

Donghae: Tch you sound so fake there.

Sungho: Sorry let me redo. WOW CONGRATS BROTHER!!!! [clapping gif]

Donghae: That's the spirit! [clapping gif]

Yujin: You both are so annoying.

Yujin: But congrats on passing, big brother. [high-five gif]

Yeonjin: Donghae congratulations on passing!! As a reward I'll treat you all for lunch tomorrow, how does that sound?

Donghae: As expected of our oldest sister!!

Sungho: I want chinese food.

Yujin: No I want western food!

Sungho: Chinese.

Yujin: Western!

Donghae: Hey! Shouldn't I be deciding because it is me who passed!?

Yujin: Sungho do you hear something?

Sungho: Nope. Do you Yujin?

Yujin: Definitely nothing.

Donghae: You both are reading these messages. [angry gif]

Yeonjin quietly laughed as she scrolled through the messages. It's been five years since her parents got into a car accident caused by a drunk driver. Thankfully, she got a job not long after the accident happened so she and her siblings didn't suffer too much financially.

Yeonjin: You three stop fighting, I'm going to buy ice cream.

Yeonjin: What flavours do you want?

In less than a minute, replies came flying.

Yujin: I want chocolate~ [heart gif]

Donghae: I want mint choco!

Sungho: Vanilla for me.

Yeonjin: Alright alright. Ice cream delivery will arrive soon!

Yeonjin slipped her phone back into her pocket and walked into the convenient store close to their house, purchasing the ice cream flavours. She paid for the ice cream along with some bread for breakfast the next day.

She hummed to a song she had heard Yujin repeatedly play for a week straight as she continued her walk back home.

"Those rascals are going to make a lot of ruckus again," she mumbled to herself but chuckled.

It was better than having a quiet house. When it was quiet, it was easier to remember the painful memories.

"Hm, maybe I should have bought extra?" Yeonjin looked inside the plastic bag before shaking her head, "They would fight for the extras, forget it."

Her phone suddenly buzzed inside her pocket. She took it out and unlocked it.

Donghae: Sis hurry up! Yujin and Sungho are fighting over the game console again!

Yeonjin: Can't you deal with them?

Donghae: I would but you're better at handling them. [winking gif]

Yeonjin: [rolling eyes gif] I'm almost back home, wait a bit.

Donghae: Ok! Be careful on the road.

Yeonjin chuckled. She was always extra careful on the road. Checking her surroundings a couple of times, she walked across once there were barely any vehicles on the road.

Abruptly a bright light flashed, blinding her in the eye. She squinted through the light, trying to find the source.

Her eyes widened in horror as she saw a car speeding towards her, no signs of it slowing down. She immediately tried to move out of the way but it was too late.

The car that was moving at full speed, slammed into her body. Blood splattered everywhere, painting the road and the car, bright red. Her body flew metres away, bloody trails following her.

She fell to the ground lifelessly, her eyes still wide open from the impact. The pain was almost instant but she couldn't voice it out, numbly laying on the ground.

'Move!' she yelled to herself but it was inevitable.

Her arms and legs were broken, bones sticking out in the wrong directions. She could feel warm liquid dripping down her face, covering her vision in her left eye.

'I need to go home to them.'

Panic filled her mind as she felt her life slipping past her fingertips. Her life began flashing through her eyes which made everything even worse.

'I can't die. I still need to protect them. I can't leave yet.'

Yeonjin tried to open her mouth but it wouldn't budge, only blood flowed out. She could hear people speaking around her, trying to save her.

Her eyes shifted to the plastic bag she had been holding moments ago. The ice cream was all over the road, melting.

'Their ice cream..I need to give it to them.'

Her eyelids began to feel heavy, screaming at her to close them but she knew if she did, she would never open them ever again. Tears mixed with her blood rolled down her cheeks.

She didn't even get to tell them how much she loved them yet. She didn't want to scar them with her death. Especially when she died the same way and road her parents died on.

'Donghae..Yujin..Sungho..I'm sorry.'

As the last bloody tear rolled down her cheek, her heavy eyes fluttered closed and she exhaled her last breath.


Author's note: Chapter 2 is out and it's a glimpse of her first life~! Thank you for all your comments and votes in the previous chapter! I was surprised when I saw 100+ reads on the first chapter >< thank you all I really appreciate it (Ŏ艸Ŏ) see you in the next chapter!

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