Chapter 24

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It was now the second month of summer. The sun was shining down and the heat was growing day by day. Aeliana was holding a fan and manually fanning herself to cool down but it barely did anything.

She could feel her skin sticking to her clothes and sweat forming on her forehead. Summer was her least favourite season only because the heat was unbearable for her even in her first life.

She groaned and slowly stood up. She needed something cold. The heat today was getting to her and she felt like she might get a heat stroke even in her own room!

Moving with difficulty, she headed to the kitchen.

"Ah my lady! What a pleasant surprise to see you here." the head chef spoke happily.

Aeliana felt like she was about to melt just standing in the hot kitchen but the head chef was up and going with life.

" you have anything cold?" she asked, fanning herself.

The head chef hummed before nodding, "Would you like some ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" Aeliana blinked.

"Yes, ice cream. Someone recently invented a mana stone machine that made ice cream without needing to manually do it."

'It's been so long since I had ice cream...'

"Can I have some?" Aeliana swiftly asked, unable to wait any longer.

The thought of having ice cream during a hot weather made her salivating. The head chef chuckled and handed in a bowl of ice cream. She thanked them and scooped some into her mouth.

As she continued eating her ice cream, she had a thought.

"Head chef sir, can I have four bowls of ice cream? I want to give to my brothers."

"Of course, my lady. Please give me a second to prepare them."

After she finished her ice cream, she thanked the head chef and took the first two bowls. As she walked through the halls, the servants greeted her and she greeted back with a smile, continuing on to find her twin brothers.

Well, she didn't really need to find for them since she knew where they were already.

"Why hello my lady! Good to see you." Hugen, the twin's swordsmanship instructor spoke loudly and let out a hearty guffaw.

He looked around his mid-40s with wrinkles on his face. He had short straight hair and sharp brown eyes. Some would say he always looked angry but when it comes to Aeliana, he had a softer expression on his face instead of his usual hardened look.

"Hello sir!" she greeted.

"What are you doing here?" Marius questioned, walking over to her with Darius trailing behind.

She extended her arms out, showing the slightly melted ice cream bowls.

"This is for you!!" she said happily.

The twins stared at it before their eyes lit up brightly.

'Ice cream brought by Aeliana..!' was what the twins were thinking about.

"Thank you!"


The twins excitedly took the ice cream and was about to dig into them but paused and glanced at their teacher. Hugen gave another guffaw before nodding. The twins swiftly ate the ice cream happily.

Aeliana proceeded to leave as she still had another two bowls of ice cream to give. She took one bowl from the kitchen and headed over to Claud's room.

As she stood there in front of the door, she didn't knock on the door and stared blankly. After almost a minute goes by, she decides to just leave the bowl in front of the door. She got into a running stance and knocked on the door. Once she did, she ran off without hesitation not wanting him to find out.

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