Chapter 31

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Aeliana walked around the town, looking inside every shop and the marketplace but she couldn't find anything that she thought they would like.

"My lady, how about these as presents?" Flora spoke out, guiding her to a small stall at the corner of the marketplace.

The stall was selling an assortment of wooden handicrafts. From a wooden bowl to a wooden horse and doll. Aeliana glanced around, looking at every item that was displayed but she still couldn't find anything.

"Nothing piqued your interest, young miss?" the owner asked.

They had a craving knife in one hand and in the other holding a half-carved wooden object. She nodded at their words but shot them a smile.

"Yes but everything here is made nicely. You must be a very good craftsman to make such quality work."

The owner blinked before proceeding to laugh at her words, "My! You sure know how to sweet talk!"

They leaned forward and spoke in a softer voice, "I like you young miss, so, just between you and me, there is one more thing I haven't shown."

The owner placed down his things and ducked down the stall table. There was a few rustling and grunts before the owner emerged back with something in their hands. They placed it down in front of Aeliana and proudly grinned,

"This is the proudest item I have made and I wasn't planning on selling it but if you like it I wouldn't mind selling it to you!" they laughed, rubbing the tip of their nose in the process.

Aeliana looked at the item and immediately something in her head clicked. Her eyes glimmered and her head shot back up to the owner.

"Owner, I would like to buy this!!"

"Gahah! I knew you had a good eye on things! Of course you can buy, that will be 30 Beldimes."

"What? That's so expensive for a wooden handicraft!" Flora exclaimed after hearing the price.

The owner shook their head and grinned, "The reason for this is because it is imbued with magic."

"Magic?" Aeliana's hearing heightened.

This was her first time hearing someone talk about magic outside of the mansion.

"That's right, my magic allows me to put a protection spell on things I have crafted."

The owner held the item in his hand and grabbed his knife. Without hesitation he stabs it but there is no mark or dent. A faint circle could be seen floating slightly above the item with unreadable words all written on the circle.

"See?" the owner smugly said as the faint circle slowly disappeared.

"Amazing.." Aeliana softly muttered, the magic circle ingrained into her mind.

It was her first time seeing it up close so she felt the adrenaline pumping inside of her. The owner saw her positive reaction making them feel great about themselves so they added on,

"Young miss, did you know most commoners don't know how to do this?" they said.


The owner nodded, "It is a known fact that you can find out your magic at the temple but honing them is another thing. Only people who have money can get to learn how to use them properly at the academy and even if there are commoners, those are sponsored by nobles or aristocrats."

Aeliana nodded, taking note of this new information. Thanks to this newly discovered information she received from the owner, now she understood why she almost never saw any of the servants or maids use magic, even Flora.

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