Chapter 30

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Flora came into the library and informed them that everything was ready for a picnic so the two girls hurried along to where the picnic was. It was under the large tree behind the mansion. A red chequered blanket was laid on the grass with a wooden picnic basket resting in the centre.

Before Flora left the two girls alone for their picnic, she had brought out matching sun hats for them. Aeliana and Violetta laughed as they wore matching hats. They took off their shoes and sat on the blanket with their books on their laps.

Aeliana opened the basket, revealing sandwiches, cookies, and orange juice in two bottles just for them. Violetta clapped her hands with excitement as Aeliana handed her a sandwich and the orange juice.

They two dug into the sandwiches, happy to be in each other's company. They chatted for a bit before getting absorbed into the books they took from the library. Time flowed quickly as they basked in the sunlight and before they realised it was already late midday by the time they finished reading.

"Eli what did you think about the book?" Violetta asked, eager to know her thoughts.

Aeliana closed the book shut and pondered for a bit before responding with a smile, "The book was nice though I wonder why didn't the girl just go back home instead of trying to find that voice calling to her."

Violetta hummed in agreement, nodding her head, "That's what I thought as well but if she didn't the book would never happen!"

Aeliana laughed at Violetta's statement, "Well how about you Violet? How do you find the book?"

"Oh Eli, this is such an amazing book!! I loved the ending where the evil wizard was captured."

"I didn't know you like these types of books, there's plenty of them in the library. Next time when you come over you can borrow them to read."

"Yes I'll definitely come back! Oh but I'm coming back to visit you not for the books only."

Aeliana laughed until her stomach hurt. How long has it been since she had this much fun?

The two continued chit-chatting until Flora interrupted them to inform them that it might rain soon. They packed everything up and hurried inside, heading into Aeliana's room instead.

Just as Flora said, the rain began pouring not long later whilst the two girls continue spending time together until it was time for Violetta to head back with her father.

"I'll come to visit again soon!" Violetta said as her father carried her in his arms.

Aeliana smiled widely and nodded, waving happily to her friend.

"See you soon, Violet!!"

"Have a good night, my lady." Oliver chuckled and bowed before heading back home.

"My lady, it's time to clean up before dinner."

"Okay Flora, I'm coming!"

As Flora was bathing Aeliana, she said something which dawned on her.

"My lady, have you thought of any presents to give to your brothers this year?"

Aeliana nearly screamed out loud as Flora reminded her of something crucial. She had forgotten all about the twin's birthday presents.


Aeliana was pacing around her room after dinner. Her hair was a mess due to her running her fingers through her hair countless times. She hadn't prepared anything for the twins and she couldn't think of what she should get for them.

"Toys? But they don't really play with them. Food? Hmm, they would definitely not like that. Phones? Ugh, it doesn't exist here!"

She heaved a heavy sigh and grabbed her teddy bear. She stared at it before muttering to herself,

"What should I get for them? I want it to be really good.."

'Swords don't seem to be worth it right now especially since Marius is only allowed to use wooden swords right now and Darius doesn't even like swords'

'I don't know what kind of book to buy either. Marius doesn't like reading and I don't know what's Darius genre of books is yet! We aren't that close enough for me to know his favourite genre of all time!'

Aeliana, to say the least, was stressing out. The last time she truly felt this kind of stress was when she had to pick between a new game or save for a new console to play with her siblings.

In the end, she fell asleep on her couch, muttering words whilst scrunching her nose every now and then.

The next day, Aeliana got ready and hurriedly searched for her father. Once she found him, she tugged on her clothes before exclaiming,

"Daddy I need to go out and find a present for brother Marius and Darius!!"

Cassian blinked before scratching his head, "Baby, I can't bring you out today—"

"Then I will go with Flora and some knights!" she jumped.

He sighed and shook his head, "Eli, it's still dangerous..."

"Please daddy.." Aeliana stared at him with puppy-wide eyes.

His brows furrowed before ultimately giving in, "..Alright but promise me you will stick with Flora and the knights, okay?"

"I promise!"


Aeliana and Flora were sitting inside the carriage with the two knights her father had ordered to come with them.

"Are we there yet?" she asked Flora.

Flora chuckled and shook her head, "Not yet, my lady, but soon we will reach so be a bit more patient."

Aeliana nodded and looked out the window. She still couldn't think of anything to get for the twins so she hoped by looking around town, she would be able to find something that they might like.

Once the carriage came to a halt and there was a soft knock on the carriage door.

"Princess, we have reached." one of the knights called Chris spoke before opening the door.

Aeliana didn't wait and quickly got out of the carriage and started walking inside.

"My lady, slow down!" Flora called out, hurriedly getting out of the carriage.

Aeliana giggled cheekily but before she could go further she was lifted up by Miles, the other knight that came with them.

"Don't run off on your own, my lady." Miles monotony spoke.


She was placed back on the ground and Flora grabbed hold of her hand. Flora shook her head and sighed,

"I know you want to find presents for the twins but you mustn't run off like that. You need to have either me or the knights with you, understand?"

"..Yes Flora.."

In the end, she was reprimanded twice on her first outing without her family members.


Author's note: Sorry for the late update this week! It's been hectic which is why the update this time is kinda late ;; hope you still enjoy this chapter~! see you next week :)

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