Chapter 49

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Flora's sentence was cut off by another voice. It was a slightly cracky low voice and it was coming closer to where they were.

"Brother Claud!" Marius exclaimed, running over to him.

Claud laughed, ruffling up Marius' hair, "Hey Marius, have you guys been good?"

"We've been good, Darius and I are excited to go to the academy in autumn!"

Darius nodded, excitement glimmering in his pink eyes before he faltered slightly.

"But Eli will be alone from now."

Aeliana waved it off, not wanting to reveal she did feel sad that all her brothers wouldn't be here anymore.

"It's fine brother, you guys will be coming back during the holidays too!" she smiled.

"You don't seem too happy," Leon commented as he walked over to her, rubbing her head gently.

Hearing those words made her remember a distant memory of her first life.

"Sis you always bottle up your feelings!" Yujin exclaimed, puffing up her cheeks in anger.

She laughed at her baby sister and shook her head, "I don't Yujin, I just don't see the reason to tell. It doesn't help much."

Yujin frowned, shaking her head, "No it helps a lot! It does! Why do you think me and our brothers do it?"

"Hmm for you guys it helps."

"See? So you shouldn't do it either sis. One day it's going to get really bad."

Yujin's words faded away as the memory came to an end. Aeliana realised all her brothers were staring at it once she snapped out of it. She bit the inner flesh of her cheeks and smiled.

"I'm fine really!"

Aeliana faked a laugh and smile. Leon grabbed her face with one hand and squeezed her cheeks, making her look like a fish.

"Don't lie, you're faking a laugh."

"Yeah and a smile too." Claud pointed out.

"Nothing is wrong." she retorted, pushing Leon's hand away roughly.

By the time she realised what she had done, regret sunk inside her. She briefly glanced at her brothers but didn't take a proper look at their expressions before she turned and ran away.

Her footsteps echoed through the house as she ran up the stairs and into her room, closing it shut, and locking it in the process. She dived into her bed, letting it recoil narrowly. The bed squeaked ever so slightly before silence fell upon her room.

"Aeliana?" a voice could be heard from the door.

Light rhythmic knocking could be heard as the voice continued calling her name but she kept quiet.

Aeliana didn't want any of them to see her acting like this.

'I can never keep my emotions controlled properly now...'

"...Go away.."


"Go away.."


"I said go away!" she yelled before burying her face into her pillow.

The knocking finally stopped and she didn't hear any voices. After a long while, the guilt of shouting at her brother got to her. Quietly, she got up and shuffled her feet towards the door. Slowly, she twisted the doorknob and cracked it open.

A hand then held the door, startling her. She immediately tried to close it but the person on the other side was stronger so her fight was for no point as the door opened.

Leon looked at her before his lips curled upwards.

"Hey," he gently called out but Aeliana kept her head down.

He kneeled down and when he was at the same eye level as her, he rubbed the top part of her head and spoke,

"What's wrong?"

"...." she shook her head, not answering him at all but he patiently continued stroking her head.

"Are you upset at us?" Leon asked.

Aeliana shook her head again.

He nodded and after a short pause, he spoke, "Are you sad that Marius and Darius won't be here anymore? Because you feel lonely without us?"

She tightened her fists before glancing up, making eye contact with Leon. Her eyes were watering up and her brows were furrowed together with her cheeks being puffed up. She couldn't say a word as she burst out into tears.

"I'm sad...I don't want to be alone." Aeliana began, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'm upset at myself for being sad and moody all the time because of this," she sniffled and huffed, hiccuping every so often.

Leon nodded to her words, listening attentively and never once laughing.

She then covered her face as she added, "I'm scared you all stop liking me.."

"Aeliana..." Leon faltered.

"I...I've always been scared all of you stop liking me and wanting to spend time with me.." she sobbed, lightly choking up on her words.

Leon engulfed her in a tight hug, stroking her head as he did.

"I'm sorry you felt that way Aeliana.." he whispered sincerely.

"But I promise—no I swear we won't stop liking you. We will always make time for you okay? You are our precious sister and I would do anything for you." he comforted, lightly kissing her forehead.

Aeliana let out a sniffle and rubbed her eyes, "Okay.."

Leon smiled and took out his handkerchief, wiping her tears and snot away, "Thank you for telling me how you feel, it must have been tough right?"

She nodded.

"Let's go see the others. You should tell them how you feel as well okay? They will understand."

She paused and slowly nodded.

"...Okay.." she muttered and hiccuped.

Holding Leon's hand, they walked out of her room and to where the other three were. She took in a deep breath and told them everything like she did to Leon.

"Uuuu...Eli..." Darius cried out, hugging her tightly.

"We will never not like you okay! You understand!?" Marius exclaimed, putting on a strong expression but there were tears in his eyes.

Claud also pulled her into a hug, rubbing his cheek against her head, "Have you been overthinking about this for so long? Thank you for letting us know about how you truly feel. Like brother said, we will always make time for you."

The anxious feeling she had been feeling finally subsided. As her brothers stayed by her side the entire time until she calmed down, she finally truly understood Yujin's words.



Aeliana (with puffy eyes): I look like an idiot now

Marius: You look like a fish

Leon, looking at Marius: You also look like a fish

Claud: Forget fish, its more like a squid

Darius: ...squid Marius

Marius: Why are you all bullying me instead!!!

Cassian, quietly watching on: children are so sweet..

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