Chapter 21

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"So you both decided to have a small party this year?" Cassian spoke in a mildly surprised tone.

"Yes dad."

The family was having dinner when Marius interrupted the meal. He had cleared his throat and said that he and Darius wanted a small birthday party.

Cassian nodded, "Alright then I shall only invite our relatives and some families we are close with, is that good?"

"Thank you dad." Darius said with a small smile.

Aeliana who was quietly watching took one bite out of her dinner and thought; 'Looks like Darius was able to talk it out with Marius today'

"You two do know that this is the year you will be going to the temple?"

Marius nodded, his eyes filled with excitement as he spoke, "Yes dad! After our birthday we will be going to the temple right?"

"Yes that's right, you will be finding out how much mana you have and what kind it is."

Marius raised his arms up, cheering happily before turning to Darius, and shaking him lightly.

"Did you hear that!! We're going to be able to know how much mana we have!"

"Yeah! I'm excited to find out." Darius beamed back.

"Now Marius, you shouldn't be shaking your brother like that. Let's continue our dinner okay?" Cassian chuckled.

Marius listened to him and returned back to eating his dinner. Aeliana was eating her dinner when she made eye contact with Darius. The two looked at each other before she smiled widely and gave a thumbs-up to him.

Darius' smile grew wide at her praise for him. Aeliana was truly proud of her brother as he was brave enough to stand up for himself and his choices.


She suddenly felt a couple of stares directly at her. She turned her head and noticed all her brothers other than Darius were looking at her.

Leon had one eyebrow raised, Claud had a frown plastered between his brows, and Marius had a simple confused look.

Aeliana didn't give them any response to their stares and finished the rest of her dinner before heading to her room.

She had a big test for her etiquette tomorrow and if she failed Madam had said that she would drill it continuously until she perfected it. Aeliana shuddered at the thought of it and practised a few more times in front of her mirror before someone knocked on her door.

"Come in," she answered.

"My lady, what are you doing until you haven't gotten ready for bed?" Flora asked as she walked inside.

Aeliana sheepishly giggled and answered, "Tomorrow I have a big test so I'm practising my courtesy a bit more for it!"

Flora chuckled, "Good luck my lady, I'm sure you will do well for tomorrow's test, now let's get you ready for bed."

"Okay Flora!"

As Flora helped her get ready for the night, there was another knock on the door.

"Eli? It's your father, baby."

"Come in daddy!"

Cassian opened the door and saw that Flora had just finished getting Aeliana ready for bed. Flora bowed and excused her, letting Aeliana and her father be alone together.

"What is it daddy?" Aeliana asked, pulling her father to take a seat with her on the couch in the room.

"I just miss my baby." he replied with a cheeky smile.

Aeliana laughed and hugged her father. He laughed back and tightly hugged her before speaking again.

"Actually, I would like to discuss something with you,"

"Did something happen?"

Cassian shook his head and replied, "I was thinking of holding a tea party for you."

"A tea party?"

"Yes, I figured that you might be lonely without having any female friends close to your age."

Aeliana nodded at her father's words. He had a point, she didn't have any female friends in her second life either. This time, she wanted to make some friends.

"Daddy, I would like to have the tea party!!"

Cassian smiled gently and patted her head, "That's great, Eli, I'll begin the preparations for it. Now go to bed, it's getting late into the night."

He placed a kiss on her forehead before bringing her to the bed and tucking her in. She wrapped her arms around her teddy bear and muttered; "Good night."

"Good night my baby, sleep well." he brushed her hair away from her face and turned the lights off, leaving the room in the process.

Aeliana didn't take long to fall asleep as soon as her father left. The next day, she woke up early to get ready for her big test. It somewhat reminded her of the old times of needing to get up early for her college exams.

She let out a yawn as Flora finished tying her hair up into two buns. Aeliana stared at herself.

Long silver-white hair that reached almost her waist and bangs that reached to her eyebrows. She had long hair in both of her previous life and she never thought of changing it. Until now.

"Flora?" She called out as she turned her head towards her maid.

"Yes my lady?" Flora answered as she double-checked her hair.

"Do you think after my test, I can cut my hair?"

Flora froze at her words. Aeliana noticed the awfully long silence and called out Flora's name again.


Flora snapped out of her thoughts and hurriedly replied, "Huh? Oh yes, my lady! Cutting your hair? Are you really sure about that?"

Aeliana nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I want to try a new look."

"A new look?"

"Yes, I want to try out new things, can I, Flora?"

Flora had a mixed expression on her face as she responded back to her, "Well..."

"Please? Flora? Pretty please?"

"...Okay, if that is what my lady wishes for."

Aeliana smiled happily and cheered, "Thank you Flora!!"

"Of course my lady but what will His Grace say once he sees you with short hair?"

Aeliana grinned cheekily in response before saying, "I'm sure daddy will be fine with it."


"!!!" Cassian shouted out loud as the papers in his hands slipped and fell to the ground.

His eyes were wide open from shock and his face grew pale. He shakily got up from his office chair but ultimately fell to his knees.

"Wh—what happened to your hair, Eli!?!" he said in horror.

Aeliana was standing at the door to his office with an awkward smile on her face, her soul close to escaping through her mouth. Her fingers fiddled with her now short silver-white hair that she had cut once her test was over.

She didn't expect her father to react this badly.


Author's note: Helloo! I am so sorry for not updating for almost a month, life and assignments have been piling up and I just recently finished some exams, I'll try to update but at the moment I can't promise

Again I'm really sorry for not updating (;′⌒')

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