Chapter 32

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The twins were sitting down with a line of people waiting with gifts in their hands. One by one came up, introducing themselves before wishing them a happy birthday and handing them a gift.

Aeliana was with their father, holding a plate of savoury snacks while people made conversations with her father. As she quietly munched on them, her gaze moved over to her twins.

Surprisingly, they didn't look tired and continued accepting, and thanking the guests. She admired the energy they still had despite it going on for some time now.

'Right I still haven't given them the gifts I got for them. I'll do it when the line gets shorter I guess.'

Aeliana took another bite of her snack before she felt a presence looming over her. She followed her guts and turned to the left, finding Leon standing beside her. Lightly, she jumped, not expecting her first brother to come up to her so suddenly.

"Leo—" before she finished saying his name, she immediately cut herself off as she remembered something from her classes with Madam D'Aramitz.

"Lord Leon?" she fixed her sentence.

A visible frown formed between Leon's eyebrows, indicating he was displeased about something. Aeliana noticed the shift of atmosphere causing her to question whatever she had done that led up to this.

A small lightbulb flashed in her thoughts. She lifted her plate up towards Leon and in return she received a confused look from him.

"Here, Lord Leon." she gestured towards the snacks.

"What?" he questioned, the frown still visible.

"You kept looking at this so, I thought you wanted it. Am I right?"

Leon kept silent as he gazed down at the snacks before looking at her and sighing. He shook his head and turned his heel, walking away, leaving Aeliana standing there utterly puzzled.

After three seconds, she huffed in annoyance and continued eating the savoury snacks, complaining in her heart.

'What the heck was that? First, you creep up from behind then start showing a sour face before leaving! Stupid first brother! So what if you're the oldest huh!? I used to be too and I have better manners than you that's for sure!'

She continued grumbling in her heart before she finally stopped once she noticed the line was getting shorter. Hurriedly, she put the plate away and called a servant over, requesting them to call for Flora.

She had already told Flora beforehand that when she calls for her, it is about the presents. Flora came and handed her the neatly wrapped presents before whispering; "Good luck, my lady!"

Aeliana nodded and headed over to the line, silently lining without letting her father notice she had left his side. She could hear whispers in front and behind her.

All of them were about her.

"Isn't that the youngest child? What is she doing here waiting?"

"I know right? Just let her be, she's just a child that doesn't know any better."

"Do you think she's trying to give something to her brothers?"

"Probably, honestly that's quite cute to see her waiting so patiently."

"Right? She isn't cutting the line either, how polite!"

Hearing the positive words, she had a cheeky grin in her mind.

'That's right! Polite and well-mannered! First brother should learn a thing or two from me'

Soon it was finally her turn to give the gifts she prepared for her twin brothers. As the people in front of her bowed and said their goodbyes, she walked up to them and smiled widely.

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