Chapter 46

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Claud stirred his tea and glanced up at his sister, "So, what are you going to do?" he asked.

Aeliana cocked her head to the head, "Do what?"

"The problem with Lord Silvius."

"Aah. Ignore him."

"That's all?"

"Mhm, what else do I do? I don't really want to associate with people besides my family and my friends."

"Oh! Aeliana!!" Claud cooed, a wide goofy smile appearing on his face to which Aeliana rolled her eyes.

"I still don't fully forgive you."

"Doesn't matter because I am family!"

"Sheesh when did you get your thick-headed.." she murmured to herself, shaking her head.

The next week after her outing with Claud, she was back in the dance room with Silvius in front of her. His expression was more adamant than before, it was obvious he was displeased to be dancing with her.

She tried to ignore his expression and continued with the lessons. Silvius suddenly smiled, catching her off guard. Just as she was about to question him, she tripped causing her to stumble and fall.

"Aeliana!" Madam yelled out, stopping the music.

"How could you fall at this part? This is the easiest part in the song, I have never seen anyone mess it up until now!" she scolded as Aeliana slowly got up.

"..I'm sorry Madam..."

She heaved out a sigh and turned to Silvius who had a small smile on his face. She frowned and began scolding him; "Silvius, you should have been more careful. When your dance partner is about to fall, you must be quick on your feet and catch them from falling."

Silvius' smile dropped, "...Why are you scolding me? It wasn't my fault she fell!"

"I know but you are her partner. Dancing is all about rhythm and being synchronised with your partner. If your partner makes a mistake, you are subjected to it too."

Madam shook her head, "I am being harsh on you two so you can improve—"

"No! You never scolded me until I began being her dance partner! Now you always scold me even if I did nothing wrong!"

"Silvius! Do not raise your voice at me!"

Silvius froze, a hurt expression written all over his face before he bit his lip and stormed out of the room.

"Silvius!" Madam shouted but he ignored her, running out of the room.

"That boy..." she sighed, massaging her temples.

"I'll go get him, Madam," Aeliana spoke up.

She nodded and watched as Aeliana hurriedly followed after Silvius.

Aeliana ran after Silvius, shouting out; "Lord Silvius! Wait!"

"Stop following me!" he angrily snapped, running even faster.

She gritted her teeth as her stamina was slowly running out, barely keeping up with him.

'I really need to get in shape more..!' she thought to herself as her breathing grew heavier.

Annoyed by this point, she yelled; "You are running in my house! Stop right now!!"

Silvius finally stopped after hearing her words. She caught up to him, panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. He glanced at her and looked away.

"If you are trying to get me to go back, I refuse. I don't want to listen to someone like you."

Once she caught her breath, she stood up straight and spoke in a serious tone, "First of all, you made me trip. I'm not stupid and blind that I didn't see you extending your foot just for a second."

"So? Go tell my mother then, it's not like she cares about me."

Aeliana stared at him, astonished at how childish he was being, "Are you serious? Just because she has never really scolded you until now—you think she doesn't care about you?"

Aeliana let out an annoyed scoff and folded her arms; "You really are an arrogant kid, you know that? I'm surprised Madam is only scolding you now after how you have been almost alive for a decade."

He glared at her, shouting; "What was that!?"

"You," she began, pointing at him, "are an arrogant child. Your mother loves you so much she barely scolds you but when she does for your own good, you act like this."


"Don't take her for granted. Do you know how many children out there would die to be in your position? Where they would be loved and cherished so much? Do you know that? I doubt you do since you are such an arrogant child."

Silvius angrily exploded as he yelled back, "Of course I know how many children would want to be in my position! I know my mother loves me!"

"Then why did you say she didn't care about you?"

He slightly faltered as he replied, "Because...because she likes you more than me!"

"Anyone can tell how much she loves you more than anything. She scolded you because she didn't want you to ever get humiliated when you are older. She wants you to be someone excellent, that's why she scolds you. Someone who doesn't love you would never do that, they wouldn't care about you at all to even give you a time of their day."

Silvius paused, falling silent as he listened and took into account of Aeliana's words. Aeliana sighed and tip-toed, grabbing his cheeks in her hands, and forcing him to look at her.

"Lord Silvius, your mother truly loves you very much. So, let's return back okay?"


When they returned to the dancing hall, Madam instantly got up and ran over to Silvius, pulling him into a hug.

"Mother...I'm sorry.." he muttered as he hugged her back.

"It's alright, "she replied, patting her son on the back softly and lovingly.

Aeliana slipped out of the room quietly and sighed.

'I am doing god's work.' she joked to herself in her thoughts as she stood outside, waiting for the two to reconcile.

After a while, Silvius came out and made eye contact with her.


"Is everything alright now?" she asked.

He nodded, "Yes, thank you and..I'm sorry for how I acted and done."

Aeliana smiled, "At least you know what you did wrong."

As she headed back inside the dance hall, he awkwardly asked, "Is there anything I can do to make up for what I did?"

She turned to him and replied, "Cherish your family."

"Oh..of course."

"Then that's good enough for me."

She continued walking, leaving Silvius stunned by the door, speechless at her words.

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