Chapter 10

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[Einherjar Pilot]

"General Camille! We received a distress signal from the captains... or if I dare say, captain."

"What!? Deploy the little boy aircraft in my name and command, track down their location, and bring them immediate care. Let me handle the rest. Bring them alive!" Camille then swiped all contents on top of the table ins tress whilst her hand came in contact with someone on the phone,

"This is Camille from Einherjar, send the captains to the coordinates sent in your intercoms, listen once again as I won't repeat twice, send the captains to the coordinates sent in your intercoms, over." Camille spoke as she made her way outside where a chopper was waiting for its commander. The winds didn't faze Camille one bit.

"This is Einherjar pilot, we've received your message, may Einherjar's warriors be with us. Out." The chopper then started to ascend as soon as Camille sat in her position.

"Bring me to Erdsturm Hospital,"

"Roger that."

The rescue team had finally found the source of the distress signal where Nasus laid back as soon as he heard the chopper above him coming to a landing, the sigh of respite soon turned into a panic as the crystal stuck between the wounds in the captain grew in size, they're running out of time and they all know it. But what they didn't know is that it can spread through his comrades.

The ignition of the dawn helped out bring calm inside Nasus, taking in the familiar heat, his vision started to blur as one of the healers came into his view,

"You're safe now captain, rest back and we'll awaken you in your respite as soon as we landed, don't worry and we'll handle the rest." After successfully mounting the captains one on each chopper, the Einherjar Rescue Battlefront wasted no time as they flew in accordance with the general's commands.

[6:34 am, Fhorn,

Erdstrum Hospital]

"This is the Einherjar Rescue Battlefront, rider of B-104, pilot Aspin, reporting, the hospital is in sight, over and out." Then came a static,

"The rescue team is here faster than I expected." Camille said as she landed far outside of the hospital's entrance, "No time to alert the hospital for our sudden barrage, young man, stand back." Camille shielded the German shepherd hybrid from the approaching chopper's winds. But something felt off... Camille noticed the pattern of the chipper is staggering as if wavering out of control.

"Young man stand back!" Camille shouted as she carried the young pilot as far as she could, choppers crashed devastatingly on the floor, the sound of metal meeting with the asphalt area created a loud screech followed by another chopper then soon five. Luckily, the choppers were designed so as to not explode upon impact unless commanded by the pilot. Camille immediately rushed into the scene as a medic soldier cried out and was caught in between the pressure of the chopper's weight, he was spewing out a purple tentacle in the middle of his eye as the medic screamed in pain. He was corrupted.

"What happened!?" Camille rushed to the medic's side only to be stopped,

"General don't! once in contact with a fragment of the crystal- argh! You'll be infected." The poor girl wailed and fell to the ground as she struggled in pain,

"Willow!" the young pilot rushed in only to be stopped by a loud shout from the medic by the name of Willow,

"Kaleb... don't!" Willow struggled to breathe. Soon, many more soldiers with the same fate came into view, struggling, wailing, and hurting.

"Jacob! Alec! No, no, I can save us..." Kaleb was in a panic as his breathing started getting heavier and heavier stuttering with each breath, his mind clouded by the scene in front of him.

"Young man!" Camille slapped the youngin', "The best thing we can do now is alert the hospital of this unexpected event, find the doctor, if we're lucky, we can save your friends. Now go!" The young man looked back to his friends, then with rising courage, his steps drew near the hospital, each step from walking to running then to fully sprinting. Camille contemplated whether this is the final moment of their lives, to one mistake has cost the lives of her people, and if that happens, it's her carelessness to blame. She can't bear to watch... but at the same time, what kind of general would she be to turn her back towards them now.

"Kaleb, a male, German shepherd hybrid. Timid and shy with a giddy attitude once comfortable."

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