Chapter 52

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"I gathered all of you in my presence to make a decision." I told Nasus of my plan, although he knew the consequences and despised my idea, I had made my decisions and he knew that. He looked sad and pale after, almost never letting me go in the morning, snuggling ourselves into a ball, I felt bad. But time was running thin. Bringing the young adults together. Hera, along with the presence of the other captains as well as Camille, has been notified of my selfishness. They looked dejected at first as they exchanged the same emotions felt by Nasus, but he just nodded, and so they all did.

"Um... sir, why are we here?" The tiny Noah asked.

"Given the chance to reside in another plane, in another world where none of you cease to exist will you be given the chance to live your own life as you wish." I said. They all gave a confused look, deciphering my thoughts, but it looks as though the little one caught my intent as his tiny ears perked up,

"A chance? Does that mean-?" I nodded, his dead eyes glimmered back in hope, bringing back the aesthetic colors he once had, it was like the sea and it was calming. As a doctor, this is the happiest thing I can ever see.

"Others can stay if they please- "

"We're ready." The whole group looked fierce, determined, and prepared. I left out a smile.

"Wait"! A lion came running to the little bunny, if my memories serve me well, the name of the bunny is James. And soon followed suit by a familiar panting squirrel hybrid, a floral companion of mine.

"Damian? Watcha doin' here? Who's managing the kitchen?" Tane asked, crossing his arms.

"I can't help but overheard your conversation with sir Archie, sir." Damian turned to the bunny as he straightened his back, letting out a fake cough, "Can I come along with you? I- don't want to lose another friend after feeling... contented being with you all." He rubbed his hand behind his head as he looked away bashfully. The tiny bunny was first astonished, but then came in a loud laugh... wow he can really laugh though.

"Of course, you can, er- "He looked at me in realization, but I only nodded in approval.

"And it seems like you had given our conversation a thought, Kyle?" I turned to the familiar florist hiding behind the lion.

"I... wanna come with, I want to start anew and possibly, just maybe, get along with some friends too?" He sheepishly said, but it seemed like the group already accepted him during their stay. It seems like I'll be losing my flower guide, for a better cause of course. They all turned to both expected visitors with a smile, familiar in a grand stage before them, inviting one of their fans to sing or dance along with them as they react, fulfilling and abrupt. They all stood their ground. In my eyes are a rare treasure more valuable than the treasury of Shurima's trinkets and relics. They shone brighter with each other like flames condensed into one. Makes me inspired to say that I am making the right choice whether the gods reject of my actions or not. This one is my decision alone.

"Zilean." Then in time, the whole area around us stopped, the world silently turning gray, losing its colors. Only the ones in my care were not affected by the time stop. Suddenly, out of nowhere, like a mirror that's been shattered appeared a man came out of the cracks, his neon blue eyes the same as the colour of his air. A clock was riding along his back as mystic arcane magic surrounded everything in his presence. His magic causes each individual present to be both in awe and fear. His gaze turned to those people around like a killer who chooses his own prey, then he turned to me.

"Azir! It's been a long time. Get it? Time?" he points at the clock behind him as he starts cackling at his own joke. "What can I do for you, pal?" he regained his composure as I sighed a little bit. Even ceasing his own time, he can still be his old self, makes me relieved.

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