Chapter 29

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[Howl, School of Eden.

10:00, Can I be selfish now?]

Words finally formed as my mouth began to awaken. After months of leaving Vinland, after our great parting and plan to come back as soon as school is paused. But now, in front of me, how did he even get here? Questions started running in circles in my head, I know that the more questions were answered, the more the questions will arise further. Am I just dreaming or is this a sick prank?

"Miss me that much that you can't speak? Doesn't seem like you, Howl." He asked teasingly, that tone, that flirty demeanor, it's the real deal, the real him. "You're not sick are you?" this time, it's more of a concern as he placed his arm on the sole of my forehead, lifting a bit of my hair.

"I'm not- how did- real?" My words! It's betraying me! They're torn like missing pages in a book. Other than that, I really want to hug him, to be in his embrace, this heat is surreal. I took his palm between my two hands, fiddling with them as a survey. He's really real! I leaped to his embrace, he knew as he expected this but at the moment, Kouya couldn't help but still be shocked, tossing and turning as we swayed in the crowds as threw in a fit of laughter. After a moment of tossing and turning, he placed me down grinning and this time, the embrace was deeper and more... comfortable, the long distance of wanting really took a lot of us. Placing both hands on his back as I slowly teared up his new-fashioned hoodie. Damn, he looks so cool right now. No! I mustn't be tempted. Oh no, we're in the classroom! Remembering the surrounding crowd, I quickly pulled away from his embrace,

"Howl?" Kouya was concerned as his brow frowned,

"I uh- ehem, I have to help the classroom." I know I sound dumb and unreasonable, but I don't want to act out of character too. I stumbled on my way back to the post wall and fiddled with the last design, blushing as my hands were too shaky to even work, damn it. With unexpected force, Kouya pushed me up the wall, closing the distance between us and trapping me in his presence, his face a mere inch away from me as he locked my eyes in seriousness.

"I didn't come here to spend time waiting, Howl." Kouya's words hit my heart as he whimpered my name. I can't leave my priorities, but he is also the top of mine. Not now, please I-

"Go for it, bro!" A familiar voice whispered near the counter,

"We got you covered." Another whispered, turning my head to see the source, I see Roku and Aya with a thumbs up as they wink at me in encouragement. Much other crew came out, the people I helped cover during the festival the past time. They're... reassuring me, thank you. Everyone. I gave them a smile. I looked back at Kouya, this time with new strength built with encouragement.

"Sorry Kouya. Can I be selfish now?"

"What do you mean- "Before he could finish his sentence, I pulled under his shoulders and pulled him into a deep kiss. We both knew this was what we wanted, and although unexpected, he quickly revolved and deepened the exchange of our breaths. We wanted this. Locking our arms together as the crowd behind cheered on. Sound of clapping and whistling and... flash? Hold on, that flash... Kounosuke! Kouya rested his forehead on mine as his height advantage made him lean in on me as we parted our kiss, his grin from ear to ear. He fiddled with my dog tag to his. "Heh, seems like someone knows how to take care of something." He said, words only we can hear.

"You don't know how it helped me through many times, and almost in trouble due to school, but none the matter, every time I feel lonely, I just align it above the sky and tell myself, 'we are forever with." Kouya seemed satisfied with my answer as he hummed, I gave him a smile I couldn't control and he gave his more powerful than mine.

"I love you." He whispered in my ears. I flinched at his hot breath tickling my ears, but then all of a sudden, he reached down towards the back of my sheen and swept me off the ground. It took me a while to process but, this seems fun. After exchanging glances, we laughed. "I'll be taking what's mine now." Kouya announced to the crowd as they cheered on, even people in the other classrooms flooded the doors. Outside I could see my friends, and I could see Hiro! This time he's being carried by Tora's back, I giggled as I heard the people say how funny yet romantic it was because he was stolen as Hiro was eating his fill and suddenly, a wild tiger appeared and carried him on his back, circling and running around the classroom in excitement.

"Live your life, Howl! You're like a son to me." Aya shouted, waving a handkerchief, crying like a mother letting go of her own son.

"Break his heart and your face next, understand? We'll miss ya, Howl!" Roku started crying like a father forced to see his daughter married to another man as he took the fabric Aya is waving and used it as a tissue. It took me a long time to realize that they had planned this all along, distracting me and Hiro from the doors, they've done so much for me. Thank you, everyone, yet again. I owe you all so much.

"Now then, shall we explore the festival?" Along with everyone, to be all together again, I simply gave an answer.

"Mhm." I hummed.

[Howl, 19:00,

Moon Rabbit Festival, Atop of the Hill]

After running through the stalls, basked in festival lights hanging around to and fro, different types of festival games as the night continued to blanket the sky revealing nothing but the twinkles of the stars. The wind started whistling stone cold sensation to all those around. Kouya and I unexpectedly lost the group, or should I say intentionally, it is our chance to watch the fireworks with just the two of us, and for the first time, I get to watch it with someone. I feel a little bit bad as we're all not together to watch it but also excited for our alone time. It's almost time.

"Remember the time you and Hiro left a recording?" Kouya asked. Staring at the sky, waiting for the fireworks as the wind tickled our skin.

"Yeah, wanted to make everyone sadder, it's kind of my thing ya know?" I sneaked a giggle as he landed a soft blow on my shoulder.

"You really did hit a number on us." Suddenly, Kouya lifted a guitar out of nowhere, the same guitar his father gave him as a present. Shouldn't that be only used in events? And how did I not even notice? "It's my turn to make a show." How flashy can this man get!? He started strumming the strings as he whistled followed by a voice. Hold on, is this...? It's the song we recorded before we left," Remember when I told you I'll find my way back home- "Way back home, I muttered. A throbbing pain in my heart suddenly occurred, like it was being crushed yet and if not, being shot by a piston of needles infinite times. It was like when we parted except, I'm feeling what they felt. Good riddance, how the tables have turned. As Kouya finished the song, a loud high pitched sound flew from the ground as it rose through the sky, then followed by a loud bang. Depicting many colors as it bloomed like a flower, beautiful on the outside as it descended in a beautiful curtain call then followed by another, the fireworks highlighted our figure. Only the fireworks are not my focus anymore. I couldn't stop looking at him. One may say we're lost. But we were together with, as an overwhelming instinct ran over me clashing our bodies together, he was shocked of my action as I pulled him in another kiss. The grass around us makes things softer and more comfortable. This time, with no sense of security, we let ourselves ignore the world. Few flashes can be seen on our side,

"Kounosuke!" He had been taking pictures of everything and anything ever since they came here.

"Can't waste a good film hehe." He giggled, "Plus, I can't wait to show you the photos!" He excitedly said as we returned to each other's gaze, and then to the fireworks.

"We are forever with." I raised my dog tag as I gaze in his direction,

"We are forever with." He replied, raising his tag and clinking it with mine like a wine glass. We exchanged smiles. This time, I get to spend time with him again. Seems like distance never changed anything between us, other than that, it only showed us how much we love each other. I these new reformed memories, we make another. And I want to make more with you.

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