Chapter 20

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[Country of Fhorn, Road Side


Yuuki brought out his phone as soon as they stepped out of the bus, scared of the high skyscrapers but his knowledgeable experience of a talk with Howl, the talk pretty much made him prepare.

"Alright, follow me, the hospital is far away but with this direction, we can arrive in no time." Yuuki states while pointing out a random bridge, "We... might need to ask around..." the bird's poor sense of direction struck in the time of need. Jun took out his phone and motioned the group to follow, soon, the roles of the navigators changed.

"I- knew that! I was just testing all of you, that's right!" Yuuki said bashfully.

"Slow down dudes, Kouya is sick, remember?" Kesuke warned,

"It's fine, I can keep up- "suddenly, Kouya lost his balance like a human who turned into a ragdoll in an instant, his body suddenly felt paralyzed and only his mind working.


How did it go like this? What has happened to me, and why do I feel so cold... my legs, why would they move? They were just fine on the ride a while ago. My fingers long for the touch of my instrument, my voice wants to sing once more. I can't disappoint more people, not again, my- with the silver dog tag? A dog tag... that's right! We promised, we promised to meet once again, to call and message each other, but why haven't I received anything yet? Did we even exchange numbers, ah, that's probably it? Dumb Kouya. Look at my friends getting all worried, somehow... they're voices are mute.


"It's my time to plan for the classroom events for next month's culture festival celebration, hands up to any ideas for our classroom." The girl raised her marker, her audacity radiating that she is the class president of the class. Even in college, many students and outsiders still stir up excitement in this event as it's considered a rest week for them.

"We bring a fraternity party as a theme, so then we can sneak in alcohol and disguise it as flavored water." One of the students shouted as he snickered, the rest followed up with a slight giggle.

"Then get all freakish and for all I know brag about your tiny thing? But it's okay, we all know you have a big personality to make up for it." The president responded.

"Sheesh Aya... you're rough as always."

"A sports-themed one, we make use of the field outside and then we play." One of the jock-looking green crocodile hybrid answered. Aya thought it was a joke, but the hybrid with the name of Roku's face says otherwise as it was filled with genuine curiosity.

"Except the field is used on stalls and other events, nice thinking Roku. Keep it up." Aya smiled,

"Hehehe, thanks, glad to help." Somehow, this pissed off Aya even more, is this man serious or just a himbo? She thought.

"Next great idea please." After suggestions are judged with their possibilities, "the choices are narrowed down to a booth classroom wherein students set up a photo booth designed in different genres or a maid café. Never mind, just choose, all in favor of photo booths raise up." Half of the classroom raised their hands, one of them being Roku. "In favor of the maid café raise up." Most of the boys suddenly perked up from their seats as they raised their hands reaching out for the stars, some started encouraging those who were sitting and not voting, screaming and shouting like gorillas. All they have gained are a report of a noise complaint from the other classroom." That's also half of the class..." Aya was contemplated. "Give me a while to solve this tally- "A few moments passed and Aya found the reason for the inequality, one of the students hasn't voted, using her sly fox traits, she concluded that the missing person who hadn't voted must be the student who is sleeping on his desk.

"Howl." Aya poked the human's cheeks. Aya, Roku, and Howl are known to be best friends therefore she can control her temper with Howl, except for the crocodile. Although it was actually Aya and Roku who seemed to stick with Howl in the end anyways. With a muffled groan and a back stretch, all eyes were set on howl. "You were up again doing some work, were you? Sigh, we talked about this and soon after, but now..." Aya's attention roamed around the classroom where all eyes were set on Howl, all leaning slightly moving forward in each second. Their faces in all forms of genre, horror, comedy, and even fiction for some odd reason.

"The classroom's fate is in your hands, now choose, photo booth with extra shenanigans- "the half of the classroom cheered, "or a maid café?" The other half of the classroom shouted and cheered. "Everyone shut up! It's up to Howl!" Howl was confused for two reasons, one is due to the excitement and then suddenly realizing the school event is coming up, the second being the different wants of the classroom.

"Why not both?" The whole classroom was gobsmacked. Of course, why didn't they think of that? They all thought at the same time. "We can make the booth and the maid café have the same theme, wouldn't that be cuter?" The classroom cheered, matching the shriek of a banshee as another teacher came all the way from the faculty to warn them the second time.

"Ehem, let's choose our theme, suggestions are in commence." Aya walked back to the chalkboard.

"Wouldn't Roku look hot in formal clothing? Let's make this an Otome type of café then we can attract more money- er customers!" The treasurer of the class suggested, the gambler of the class with the name of Alice, the coyote hybrid.

"Same for Aya, she'll be like those iconic models that are too pretty to even get close with, and of course, many of our girls here are attractive, if we can show off a little bit of sleeve- "the erase came rushing at the head of the now hyperventilating; nose bleeding Alice. Aya blushed whilst Roku was confused,

"No... but what you said was true, if we want to make more money we have to make use of our *ehem* God-given assets. Since we decided on the theme, let's divide the class into groups. The budgeting team, designing team, cooking team, and servant team. The role assigning commences."

In the end, all were hoping for the hands of Howl who seemed to be distracted as he stared blankly out the window, the sky was too bright and blue, somehow, he found that attractive.

"Howl, by the majority of the class... you'll be the head of it all." Aya sighed to his friend pitying the jack of all trades of a man, but Howl had no response fidgeting with the dog tag he hid on his neck, the school authorities banned accessories but his classmates let this slide as they did the same. "Howl." Aye once again poked Howl's cheeks. "You're staring into nothing again, we've decided to let you take the command of all teams, but that doesn't mean that you do all the work of course, lay some for us."

"Heh!? That's unfair, our little Howl is already overworked ya know?" Roku suddenly appeared behind Howl's back,

"Let's discuss this in front of both of you." Aya said, tugging Roku's uniform in force while Howl followed suit. "I know that you himbo, that's why I'm letting Howl decide. Howl, what do you want to do?"

"I'll just supervise each team. I'll handle the menu for food, research for clothing s and stuff, and give a report to you by the end of it. Just give me time." Howl responded as Aya and Roku nodded in agreement.

"It's decided, everyone listen up, supervision will be the role given to Howl in each team to balance the struggles, give him time to submit a report and we execution will be all of you's parts. And thus, he will not aid you in creation." Aya ended the meeting.

Howl was dubbed as the jack of all trades man as he traversed in many activities and knowledge, although not perfect, he takes abundant effort in the tasks he was given, his diverse abilities make him accountable for many things. But since the past month, his efficiency has been hindered slowly. The distraction had settled within him as he felt tugging in his chest pushing and pulling in unknown directions, but in the end, he always chooses to ignore it, afraid of something about his feelings being left unreciprocated. Therefore, he locked his chest, sealed protected, although it never beat, it never breaks.

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