Chapter 11

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[Fhorn. Erdstrum Hospital,

6:40 am]

"There, there sir, I'll do anything, so please, I need you to believe in us for us to do so, chins up sir, a soldier's tears are saved to who you only want to be revealed vulnerable, save those tears for them." Raising his chin to Azir's view as he mustered a smile of encouragement. Tears fell down his cheeks as his voice went hoarse from crying and with a whisper and opportunity he whimpered, thank you.

"Nurse Mara, aid this man." Azir then started to sprint outside where a loud crashing sound vibrated the hospital, earning concerned looks from patients and workers. From his sight, he immediately came into action without hesitation. In front of him were "Tentacles, eyes? A thing that seemed like an infectious virus, an art that can influence others upon impact with the source being..." Azir then saw the pitiful states of the medics and captains, the sight can kill one man alone as from one limb to another did the tentacles grew crawling and wreaking havoc with no pattern, forcing its way out of the host even if it meant disconnecting their vital organs and at the same time tearing apart the roots of their veins as they shouted in pain. Azir couldn't believe his eyes for a second, he knew this arts, a familiar violet like the one he saw, the lavender sea.

"Are you the doctor? Please, save my comrades... I'll give you anything, the country will give you everything." Azir can sense her genuine tone in how she spoke of not for herself but for the people, it didn't seem to fit her character but that's not today's discussion.

"We need to bring them inside, all of them... but it may affect the people inside the hospital." Azir spoke to himself, with this size, it would be impossible to bring them all in and with due time. "This magic is highly contagious as it sprouted life on its own but it also has a source," Azir pointed at the crystals, "may it be big or small, one speck of it can spread corruption on its hosts." Azir contemplated, pressured by the situation, and stressed to the sight whilst cross-examining each and every single possibility he can think of.

You have no choice, Azir, release yourself once more,

Azir whispered to himself, whipping his hand in a straight line to his right, light illuminated sights as sands started to appear out of nowhere, the winds started to gather around their surroundings. From the unknown, Azir pulled out a staff of what seemed to be ancient, Camille watched in alarm for what she is witnessing something that she had never seen in her career before, her data intellect in her mechanical left eye seemed to occur an error, even with high technology it cannot process what she is seeing now, and especially with the aura Azir omits, it's as if she's in the presence of something greater matching the heavens. A god.

"Arise! The order is given." Besides the infected victims arose warriors that ascended from the sands, each holding a spear and a shield. With one gracious motion, the soldiers moved in unison as if in a puppet play, Azir being the puppet master without the strings. With one stump of Azir's staff, the ground started to shake and shift, within rose sands and a golden plate ascending towards the sky towering even the high mountains as two towers rose from each side along with one a temple. "Aid my command." Azir's voice changed from mellow to seriousness, as if years of experience were reasoned behind his voice, but somehow, he was still hesitant. The sand warriors' weapons descended into the sands once more as each warrior mended each soldier, one victim being in the presence of Azir one at a time.

"This power is foreign from here," Azir's gaze went towards Camille, "Tell me, ma'am, where did this come from?" Azir's tone turned from a commanding dictator into his sweet, bashful self as he held the crystal in his hand, Camille was shocked as he was not affected by its power. Camille, trying to process all the information that is simultaneously happening, coughed as she stood up. Although she's the one who commanded not to spread information about the mission, from what she saw, she owes the doctor an explanation.

"One of the near countries of this land has raised suspicion that it may be a potential threat against the other countries, records of the past saw illegal auctions and other suspicious activities, with this mission, five captains before you are in a mission to retrieve the suspicious material, but..." Camille looked displeased as her gaze focused on the victims, "It seems like I underestimate how even the strongest and most reliable soldiers can be held in this position."

Azir nodded, "This foreign art is contagious ma'am, please step out further, it's for the best and if you can, please disguise this temple from the public?" Azir gave Camille a shy and somewhat reassuring smile.

"I... I understand." Camille bit her bottom lip as she heeds the request of the mysterious doctor. As she stepped away from the temple, she turned her head back to see the sand gates closing, leaving her one last glimpse of distress of emotion from the doctor.

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