Chapter 33

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[Sett, Border of Fhorn


The depression of each mountain distance stretched far and wide as the sun settled on its horizon, followed by the night sky after. But rest is not suitable right now, not now, not ever. The night air once again danced amongst the winds but that has no effect on me. Exhaustion will leave me eventually when we make it to the end, hold on partner, my dearest, stupid oblivious partner. I'll make it up to how ya saved me, and I could introduce ya ta ma properly.

"... Sett?" Upon hearing his words, my life rose into existence, hearing his soft words bought me concern and relief. What did this man do to me?

"Shen!" I laid his body down on the grassy patches, leaning him on the bark of a dead tree. "Shen hold on to me, buddy. We're near." Are we?

"You look... funny." He snickered as he tried to pick himself up but failed.

"Don't be stupid, ninja. I'm in your care as you are at mine, remember?" I took off my fur coat and wrapped it around his body.

"Thanks Sett. I have a bottle of happiness I bought in the market, I was- I was going to give it to you and the brothers in case I left. I think you should have it now." Shen took out a weird capsule containing some sort of alien liquid and upon closer inspection,

"Holy shit! Shen did you take this!?" Shen is innocent, he can't have taken this all on his own. Have I failed to protect him from Zarzaun's corruption? If I can't protect his innocence from this world... I don't want him to end up like me when I was a kid, to be exposed to a society not meant for any children in the world and left to fend for themselves.

"I bought it once at the market- "He coughed, I took out a flask of water, I can refill the canteen on the way, there must be a town or a river nearby. "Thanks... they said it's to make a person happy, whenever you look at the pit, I see you bored and I thought, what will happen when I leave? I never had the chance to give it to you but you don't seem to want it... I'm so sorry for being stupid..." His words then started to get rough as he choked on his throat. All this time he was thinking of what will happen if he leaves. About my happiness, but I wanted to make HIM happy, not me. I pulled him into an embrace, caressing his back as his head rested on my shoulder. Never had I shown weakness to anyone except ma, but Shen... stop making yourself my other weakness.

"Sorry to make you worry about this meathead, Shen, but I don't need happiness. I already have it." I face him towards me, eye to eye.

"Your mother is beautiful." He laughed. As the boss of the pit I disposed of all forms of weaknesses, trust me, I was happy when you showed up. I finally had the chance to play pranks and be childish in your presence. Being boss is not so easy but, having you around made me feel like an all-time champion. I hated mushy words, but somehow, this felt right. Shen only smiled at me. as I was lost in thoughts.

"Let it all out Set- "Shen suddenly struggled as a bright dark violet light came over his body, grew brighter and brighter over his body as he arched his back in pain.

"Shen!?" I removed his clothing to see purple cracks spreading even further to his body like a plague. The sword glimmered in bright light over Shen and then, he lost consciousness, the cracks stopped growing on his body, only leaving their hopefully temporary stain. It's hard to see this view. I must continue on. Don't worry Shen, you'll be happy soon. I carried him once more and continued on the journey. So this is what the sky looks like? Must be fun for the higher streets.


Cleaving the forest out of my way, the trail leads me to a civilization far in the distance, the weird blade shining brighter with each step forward. The asphalt road that comes in between drew far on both sides as what seemed to be a military fence over the street. Although, the blade is telling me this isn't the end of our destination but further inside the camp, the tents appeared in the distance with weird-looking soldiers. This must be it, there must be someone inside, upon growing near, the blade flopped like a normal one, carrying it in my free hand as I went through the front.

"Bring me a doctor, now!" I shouted using my voice of command, the guards seemed a little threatened and I'll continue so if they don't cooperate. They seemed hesitant, but there was no time for this, sooner or later Shen's body will give up. With the size of my pride and ego, I shouted far and wide, roaring at the gates as the air seemed to see vibrations. I jumped over the fence running inside to find the doctor myself.

"I don't have time to be standing right now!" I threw one of the guards to the side as it tried to block me, ridiculous fools. Wait, this can work. Cracking my knuckles, I threw another roar as I recoiled my fist, preparing a strike, and aimed it straight to the ground causing a mini earthquake, one that's enough to stumble all over the people in the camp. One more fist, and another, and another, and another, until they all arrived, one of the soldiers threw a lasso restricting one of my hands, and soon came the other immobilizing me and my movements, and with an electric shock, my body went into a reaction. But that's not enough, but it is at the same time as I grinned, throwing my hands to the ground, breathing heavily. One seemingly large dog person came into my view, stopping my attempt to raise my fist, good. As his face neared me, I took the opportunity to hit a head butt despite his figure being larger than me.

Unexpectedly, a lizard appeared behind me as some sort of cold roots formed from below, one Taurus hybrid locking my hands together from behind as one human lady readied what seemed to be a sphere of flying purple thing complex in color. This is my victory.

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