Chapter 51

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Another night had passed, waking up, I noticed the oh-so-familiar heat absent in my presence. A sense of longing awoke inside me like a baby that lost its mother as it whimpered and cried, so was my heart. The sun was strong in its orange hue, reflecting and absorbing everything into a dreamy morning. He would always be up ready with a coffee in his hand as he stares at the oh-so-familiar sun, maybe to reminisce about Shurima. And sometimes, we would lay under the blankets as I try to convince him not to rise up and just stay in bed a little longer.

I made my way to a secluded tree.

And there he was, he was sat behind the same tree we had laid on a few times. He introduced me to his spot, his little private space he named it. And I was right, he was staring at the sun, basking in its presence, reflecting his gold armaments. I always found him beautiful more than anything else, he resembled the sun like when I took care of him as a child, his beaming curiosity of knowledge and strength mixed with pure innocence. But know that he was released into a position he never once liked, to be a ruler with cold feet he tried to make the best of his own life for others, and none for himself. He looks tired. Without breaking the silence, I planted my head on his thighs, he didn't seem to bother much as he didn't lose his focus.

It's funny how in Shurima, I would never lay a single finger on my emperor, let alone bat an eye in for he was too precious for my soiled eyes, mistaking love for admiration and blindness. And now, I could be with him, but by gods are cruel to break us apart once again. He gently lifted my head down as he raised himself up only to lay down in the same position with me on the green morning patch of dewy grass covering us both in an earthy smell. He laced his fingers against mine and we stared at each other once more. Hypnotizing. His eyes were mellow with one side of his grin on his ear. If this is a dream, then by gods, let this be a reality without chaos.

"Of all things in the world, you best the beauty of the gods." I said. He laughed, an infectious, genuine laugh.

"Then by gods you must be the most old-timed romantic person there is," he replied, shifting our hands near our chest while caressing his knuckles with my thumb in a soothing motion. There was a bit of comfortable silence between us.

"Maybe Ares, the god of war, resented the people that she killed or even lost her battles.

Maybe Poseidon, ruler of the sea, had drowned in his own apprehensions.

Maybe Apollo, god of music and poetry, couldn't hear the melodies and words he wrote.

Maybe Dionysus, god of wine, realized he couldn't drink the pain away.

Maybe Hestia, god of hearth, felt the cold of being lonely.

Maybe Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, wanted to be loved from her inside.

Maybe Hades, god of the underworld, wanted to feel love and alive too. And maybe, wanted to give happy endings to others. All gods have a flaw; now is the time you realize that those flaws are what makes you stronger." I replied. And he was silent, then all of a sudden he kissed my nose.

"Then that means I can be as goofy as I want?" He asked playfully. A new side of him that I'd never see that sparks my interest, if that's how he wants to play it then- I threw myself on his lips, leaning my weight towards him... Just a simple peck, enough to give him a warning as I rolled back to my position, grinning from ear to ear in victory. I finally did it, I whispered. Something I learned in Shurima where two companions I found in the alley were doing, and when asked, they said it resembles affection for each other as they intimately strip off their clothes and then soon ask for privacy, was that part of the affection too? He was left dumbfounded, awkward, and overall, shocked. Was it too much? This time I'm starting to worry. I turned myself to him,

"Azir, I'm sorry I took it that far-" To my surprise, he threw himself at me. My eyes went wide as his eyes were closed. He was trying his best, so I should too. I deepened the exchange of affection, biting his lower lip creating a small opening. Our breaths exchanged and this time, I can finally feel like we're connected more. He leaned back on our combined weight, using his arms as a support so as to not fall as I forwarded myself, experimenting on the new sensation of exchange, using one hand to cradle the back of his head and one hand supporting my body upwards. As tempting as it is, I slowly pulled away as I left out a giggle,

"Didn't know you're THAT greedy, emperor." I playfully said as he was panting his breath, blushing in shades of red.

"I-it was an impulse! Something Katherine told me to try..." he responded defensively.

"But I'm glad Azir, never in my knowledge nor past curators and emperors had this relationship, I didn't think we would be this far and this close. You make me happy Azir Omah, oh so much." I tilted my head in his direction, is this the correct way of showing affection? Despite my lack of experience and studies, this man in front of me deserves it all. I came back to reality as I heard him starting to sob,

"Oh no, no, no, I-uhhh, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to make you cry," I quickly jolted up raising both hands in the air yet paralyzed. I didn't know what I did wrong, did I offend him? but he laughed while crying, why?

"Why are you laughing?" I asked concerned, nearing my face to his.

"Nothing, it's funny to see how the great immortal guardian of Shurima, stoic and prosperous, can be seen in this state." He teased, no wonder. But the times in Shurima are my compressed feelings. This time no more. I laughed along with him. Nature danced along to our laughs.

Was I really called as such? That was embarrassing...

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