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Two warlords in a casino.. what could possibly go wrong 

The bright neon lights beckoned you inside, casting a vibrant glow over the empty seats that lined the room. Despite the lack of people, there was a certain tranquility to the deserted casino that made you feel at ease. It was if the stillness of the moment was a respite from the chaos from your double life, a brief moment of calm before the storm. 

A gentle touch met your shoulder, "Lost there in space again" Yumo smiled. "Always so serious just like the boss" Kumo joked as his blue short hair and green eyes stood in front of the neon lights.

"You know what today is Kumo" You say to the male twin, a sigh left his dark lips. 

"Not a day to fuck up, speaking of which we need to get the coffee, everyone is still waking up" Yumo tugged at her brothers suit and dragged him quickly away. 

You lifted the clipboard away from your chest and scanned the list of tasks that Crocodile has assigned to you. To your relief, you had already completed them before the others had even woken up. 

Your attention was then drawn to the roster of pirates who would be joining the casino tonight. You flicked through the list of names, barely registering most of them, until your eyes landed on Donquixote Doflamingo. As you spoke his name in your mind, a chill ran down your spine. The other names on the list suddenly seemed insignificant in comparison. 

Letting go of the clipboard, you dug your hand into the inside pocket of your suit jacket. Tan filled your vision as you observed the envelope that had wilted and housed many stains. The seal of the envelope was barely holding together as the months of travel had aged it.

Your heels clicked against the black marble as your eyes searched for onlookers. The red velvet walls touched your back as they shielded anyone from looking at the envelope.

Heat from friction tickled your finger as you ran is along the cursive ink, "Stage 2."

"Its about damn time" You whispered before glancing around the casino once more. The seal came undone in an instant. It was if the delicate envelope was eagerly waiting to be opened. 

Just as you expected, Akainu's cursive handwriting filled the small note. You chuckled as you read your silly code name.


Good work on completing stage 1. The headquarters are not the same without you. Borsalino is getting ice cream by himself now. Safe travels to Dressrosa. Send letter to headquarters when you arrive by devil fruit at 9 pm.

- A

Flipping the old paper you began to write a note back.


Borsalino will live. Doflamingo will be in the casino tonight. Two warlords and pirates - wish me luck.


A warm pressure surrounded your hands as if you were dipping them in warm water. Your hair blew back behind your shoulders gently as a black swirling pool no bigger than a foot merged with the tile in front of you. Focusing your thought, you sent the recipent teleport to Akainu's desk. You gingerly placed the envelope with your response through the teleport. Your mind reflected a mental scene of the letter falling onto Akainu's desk confirmed that it had arrived in real time.

The red velvet walls and black marble turned into luxurious wooden panels as you walked towards Crocodile's main office. The backrooms were the complete opposite from the casino. Your current 'boss' Sir Crocodile sat lazily in his dark oak desk with his hand on his face. His turned lips matched his tired gaze. About a dozen of your coworkers flittered around the room, causing papers to fly in every direction.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now