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In the tiring dawn, as the sun started to slowly peak above the horizon, you turned and shuffled with warmth surrounding every inch of your body. Without conscience, your arm wrapped around a large torso and you nuzzled your face into a warm neck. Smooth skin glided on your legs as you clung onto a large mass.

A hand, one almost the size of your entire head, laid gently against your hair as the sound of soft breaths brought you into consciousness. The birds outside sang a lovely soft tune that slowly sent your mind back to last nights events. His heartbeat thumped in your palms and that irresistible scent on his clung onto you.

You didn't dare move, his skin on yours was heavenly bliss.

"Wakey wakey." He said with a notably deeper voice.

Your palm traced up his chest until you glided your fingers through his silky blonde tuffs of hair. "Not yet." You groaned out, not moving from your comfortable position.

"There is still time to watch the sunrise." He said softly while playing with your hair.

Cool breeze wafted over your face and you glanced up at his peaceful expression. The sunglasses were gone, his head turned towards you, his colorless left eye had a lifted brow. When your eyes met his red one without the glasses, it felt as if the whole world spinned just for the two of you.

He was just so god damn handsome.

"fufufu... like what you see?"

"Lets just say I could get used to it."

He rose slowly, and turned to face you. A soft pillow welcomed your head, his hand cupped your face. That soft smile, and joyful eyes soon turned into a slow, passionate kiss.

As he got up from the bed, his exposed back side was incredibly well defined. Your eyes traced the muscles extruding his thighs, and that perfectly round toosh of his.

Your eye candy was gone as he slung on a white robe. His hands held another smaller matching robe.

"You'll have to forgive me for stopping the show." He laughed while you wore a pout.

"Not fair."

He leaned against the bedpost, waiting for you to rise up. When you sat up, a throbbing burn shot up your spine causing you to suck in your lips and grasp onto the sheets. You did expect some pain the following morning, but this was beyond that expectation.

His hand calmed your nerves as it laid on your thigh, his eyes full of worry. "Are you alright?" His eyes flickered down to your lower belly and his eyes closed and laughter emerged from him. "Its your fault." You teased, unable to hold a serious expression.

"You're the one who pushed me in." He said.

His arms gingerly wrapped around you, and he lifted you bridal style towards the window. All the small kisses he left on your face made you forget about the pain, for only a second.

"And you are the one with the log splitter last time I checked."

"How can I make it up to you then?"

Your head rested on his shoulder as the two of you watched the burning red sun rise into a dark blue. "Maybe some tea." In an instant, the transponder snail smacked against his hand that carried you. He ordered hot tea and every possible baked good possible.

You then left his arms and put on the robe carefully. The pain began to subside only a little. As the sun turned orange, the two of you sat outside on the patio, enjoying a cup of tea.

The only bad thing was the pair of sunglasses he had put back on.

Ignoring your requests for the sunglasses to be removed, he said, "What do you plan to do with your island?"

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now