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It had been days since you've seen Doflamingo. He and Trebol had been away planning for a special gladiatorial battle in the colosseum that would take place today. While using your power, you were able to gather that there would be famous pirates on Dressrosa to bid on the gladiator battle. The prize of whoever won the bid would get a case of SMILE. 

Doflamingo and the rest of the family would be distracted with the influx of pirates... it would a perfect day to go scouting around the hidden factory. You had found the location of the factory whenever you spent the day with Pika. He, of course, prevented you from looking at the complex, but you knew where it was at. With any given opportunity, you would find your way down there. 

You were steps behind Violet and struggled to keep up with her fast dance like movements through the densely packed streets.

"Violet you gotta give me a sec." You and violet went around the human like toys with wide smiles. Before you had set off on your mission, Smoker gave the details on Dressrosa. He warned you of the toys and fairies in the mystical town. The tone Smoker had talking about Dressrosa gave it a bad reputation. Every marine had a fixed mindset on the Donquixote family.

Smoker's warning meant nothing. It didn't prepare you for how you would feel when the lifeless toy eyes met yours. Maybe you just needed more time to get used to them. How did these toys even exist?

Curiosity killed the cat and you asked Violet. "Hey, where did these toys come from?"

The sparkle in her dark honey eyes faded as her lips tightened. Violet was like a switch. The mere mention of certain topics would be the trigger to her cold side.

"It's a family secret. I wouldn't pry unless if you want to become one." She said rather grimly.

Did this mean that the toys were once human? You left it at that and followed her through the streets. Freeing the Tontatta was the only human crisis you could deal with right now. Many jeweled filled windows sparkled in the sun with light colored sundresses and pulled you away from your thoughts.

A thousand sparkles radiated from a glass window. Your pace slowed as you stopped and window shopped. The perfect sized hair claw laid there with a million sparkles. You grabbed the claw clip holding up your (h/c) hair and let your silky hair rest on your shoulders.

The bell atop the shops door pulled you out of your trance. Violet held the wooden door open for you, she knew what was up. You about died on the spot when the shops clerk told you the price.

250,000 berries... that was 5 bottles of jolly rogers fix.

"You can get it. Just put it on my tab." Violet spoke as if that amount of money wasn't even a drop in the bucket.

You refused to let Violet pay for the hair claw. It would be beautiful on you but there was no way a spy for the navy would be given that type of salary to buy the piece.

You grabbed violets hand and forced your eyes off the diamond encrusted clip. The warm air blew on your exposed shoulders as the fiery Dressrosa sun burned the sky in golden orange. 

"If you change your mind, let me know. The bar where I gather info is right down this street." Violet said.

Today was Violets day and she was the last member of the Donquixote family you needed to shadow. She led the way and entered through the back of the large bar. Voices and clatters were erupting from the main floor. Dozens of pirates were scattered about. 

A tall pirate with blazing red hair and a set of goggles over his sinister orange eyes captured the room. His wanted poster did not do justice to his dark aura.  Violet gasped as she gently grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the curtain. 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now