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A clash of thunder jolted you up. Soft grass touched your hands and knees, and tiny drops of rain dampened your hair. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you got yourself up off the ground. The stiffness in your neck confirmed that you had fallen asleep on the cobblestone wall. Looking over the edge, if you had jumped up the wrong way in your sleep.. you'd be a goner.

Thick, dark blue clouds with jags of lightning were inching their way up from the south night sky. Your feet lost their balance as a strong gust of wind blew through. You quickly got up and headed for the palace doors.

It took all of your strength just to push the door closed against the strong gusts. The wind howled in the dark, dimly lit palace. Your body shook from the cold and rain. Going to your room and getting comfy in your bed seemed like the best idea.

You got up on your tippy toes and slowly began to walk down the hallway. So far.. so good, nobody is awake..

"zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- PAAANGGG" Shook the whole palace.

You jumped up, the hard wall hit your back, bright flashes of light filled the corridor in second increments.

"I'm just trying to get to my room.." You groaned before taking a small step forward. You looked around behind you and in all directions before continuing. 

Passing Doflamingo's door, you heard a soft sound of sheets tussling..

Then, a loud scream from his room send you back towards the wall.. Following his scream, a million pieces of glass shattered against a wall.

'What is going on in there' you thought..

You quietly walked to his door, and raised your hand to the door.

The sound of harsh deep breaths filled your ears through the wall.

Doubt clouded your mind, maybe you shouldn't get involved in whatever is going on with Doflamingo.

You took a step back from the door and looked towards your room.

Ensured safety was just down the hallway.

The doorknob quickly turned and the door was slammed open. You saw his large frame in the doorway. Through the flashes of lightning that illuminated the hallway, you noticed sweat on his brow and an uncharacteristic sadness.

His sunglasses met your confused eyes, "Are you .. alright?" you asked him in a soft whisper.

"I'm perfectly fine" He said. His large leg made one step forward and he almost fell on his face. You quickly moved out of his way and let him catch himself on the wall.

"Mr. Flamingo.. I don't think you're alright, why don't you go back to your room and i'll bring you whatever you need."

"What are you? A lost puppy?" He rather harshly said.

You ignored him and eventually he got up and walked to the kitchen without falling. You slowly followed him into the kitchen. It was so dark you couldn't tell where he was besides the loud rattling and clanks of glasses.

You clicked on the lights and stood against the corner of the room, far away from the rummaging man in the kitchen.

"Owww.. are you trying to blind me?" He slurred.

You almost fainted at the sight. He stood next to the island of the kitchen with a fully exposed torso.. no pink feather coat.. no white shirt.. Doflamingo without his jacket was like a Flamingo with no pink feathers.. just not right. However, you didn't hate it though.

At least he had the decency to put on pants...

His toned and tanned back faced you as he almost yanked a drawer off its hinges. You got closer to him and noticed him frantically digging through the contents of the drawer. It was like a crazed raccoon digging in the garbage.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now