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Your most precious mug descended downwards in slow motion. In an instant you bolted forward. The mug's handle grazed past your finger tips inches away from the hard floor. Your bangs jolted back from the force exerted from your legs. The door behind you hit the heel of your black shoe. 

"BANG" The door behind you almost blew off its hinges. The mug was secure in your hands. 

"What in the hell..." A deep voice muttered from behind you. You didn't dare breathe. 

You were standing there.. bent over.. with your covered ass facing the room. A cool breeze blew along the back of your lower thigh. The slit in your dress began to open more by the second. You slowly rose with while not daring to look inside the room. The tension between your back and the men in the room was so tense. You didn't need to look to know that two sets of powerful eyes were darted at you. 

Please don't kill me Crocodile...

Your face was red hot. Beads of sweat formed on your perfectly shaped eyebrow. Slowly turning around the light from the room blinded you. The two men stood there perplexed beside the couches while raspy piano danced out of the transponder snail. 

Doflamingo's throbbing vein slowly dissipated as your face came into full view. Sir Crocodile was rubbing his temple with his one good hand while he cursed under his breath. 

Avoiding their glares at all cost, the black walls and high priced art captured your attention. You wanted to speak but your throat wouldn't open. With your hand scratching your brow you said the first word, "S...Sorry about t-that. You see this mug.." You lifted up your right hand that housed your spilled fragrant tea, "I almost dropped it." 

They both did not say a word. With each second of silence your legs weakened more. Crocodile's face relaxed as he sat down on the cushioned dark red couch, "Is that the mug you skipped your shift to make with Ms. Yumo?" He questioned. 

Your jaw dropped.. He knew about that?  You had paid the guy with the shift shift fruit to pretend to be you for that shift.

"Y..Yes Sir." 

"Kuhahahaha" Crocodile laughed. "At least you are honest. Could you light this for me (y/n)? We were just getting started. " His hands pulled a new cigar out of his jacket pocket and placed it in his mouth. 

"Of course Sir Crocodile" 

You couldn't have been more grateful for his subject change. Your hands reached down where your pockets would be... no pockets no matches. 

A small box of matches laid between his fingers. The pressure in your head released as you began to walk to the sitting man. Doflamingo's face did not change from earlier. He silently moved to the opposite couch. His large legs spread against the fabric as he sat down.

Smoke and cedar filled your senses as you were just inches from Crocodile. You bend over his large golden hook. The match dragged along the powdered glass on the match box. The cigar lit up as the heat from the match began to sting your skin. Doflamingo's gaze burned into your skin as he watched your every movement. 

Crocodile rolled the cigar between his jeweled fingers. His eyes met yours as he gave you a small nod. Breathing in a large breath, you blew gently on the cigar causing it to extinguish Doflamingo crossed his arms, "What about me? The king of Dressrosa surely gets some attention.. " He trained off while holding his chin deep in thought. 

"I will be happy to bring whatever you desire" His head snapped towards you, his sunglasses hiding a mischievous glance. 

His smile widened, and Crocodile grumbled out, "Refreshments only." 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now