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The shining clover laid in your small, soft hands. With its roots out of its soil, would the leaves wither away so quickly? Being as gentle as possible, you laid the delicate plant into the glass box Doflamingo gave you.

Your eyes met the the pink, feathery back of Doflamingo. He sat on the large gold encrusted open window-sill, facing outward and overlooking the small lights that each house made in the dark night.

Grabbing a hair clip, you pulled your clean, wet locks into a perfect twirl. The light fabric hung to your washed skin. You begged Doflamingo to let you clean up before doing anything else, that unpleasant steam room made your skin crawl.

Smooth painted wood touched your hands as you leaned against the window-sill next to him. The breeze was light and the air was cool. A thin, two inch cut extended from the top of his cheekbone down to under his sunglasses.

"DOFLAMINGO! When did that happen?"

Lifting yourself up to get a closer look, you sat on the wide white window-sill next to him. A small portal opened and you grabbed a medkit from the navy's medical ward. He looked down at your portal and watched you pull the kit out and open it.

"That navy brat got a little ahead of herself.."

Tanuki managed to strike him?

You got up on your knees and inspected it closer. "It doesn't look that bad, but you should do something."

A rip sound filled the air as you opened the antiseptic wipe. Strong alcohol burned your nose as you quickly moved it away from your nose. You held the wipe just millimeters from his small cut. "Do you want to do this?" You asked.

"fufufufu.. i'll let you play nurse."

"What? I'm no-- well alright." 

Even with him sitting down, you struggled to reach him with his staggering height. The wet cloth gingerly touched his small cut. He stood still with no change of expression as you carefully wiped away. Surely the alcohol would sting or hurt at least a little bit.. He was a warlord afterall. A small antiseptic wipe wasn't gonna make him faint in pain.

You stopped right before the cut went under his sunglasses. Handing him the small wipe, you said, "The rest of the cut is under your sunglasses, you can do it."

Looking away, you dug through the kit to find a bandage. He made slight movements but didn't take the cloth. You picked up the perfect size bandage and held it up to him.

You almost fainted.

His right eye shined like the finest ruby and his left was a dull deep red. You were caught in a daze with his hypnotic gaze.

"HOLY SHIT" You screamed out and covered your eyes. He never once took off his sunglasses, this man literally slept with them on right in front of you! Surely this was some type of mistake.

"fufufufu...I thought nurses were supposed to keep their composure?" He laughed.

"I -umm.. Mr. Flamingo, it's like you are naked without your sunglasses and i'm not supposed to look."

His tone was softer, "That didn't stop you in the onsen.. "

"That was completely different.." You began to trail off. 

With a gentle touch, he grabbed your hands and removed them from your face. Your eyelids slowly opened, his sunglasses laid on the top of his silky, blond hair. His pomegranate colored almond shaped eye resembled the highest level of royalty. No matter how hard you tried to look away, you couldn't. He was too damn handsome with his tanned skin, sharp jaw, bare brows and exposed eyes. 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now