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"It's just.. weird." You said while gazing the newly built statue up and down. 

"Really? I think it really captures your beauty..." Doflamingo laughed while gently placing his hands around your shoulders. With feathers tickling your arms, you leaned further into his warm skin, letting the unease flitter away. 

Once Meridian seized control over Doshi island months ago, he had ordered a statue be built to honor the users of the Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu blades. Here is stood right in front of you... in the middle of the towns square. 

Even with the unease of seeing your whole body in front of you, the face of your fathers statue brought comfort. His statue stood proudly behind yours, with each sword in each hand. "I guess its not that bad..." You sighed into Doflamingo's chest.

"Perhaps I should follow suit, a statue of you in the middle of Dressrosa..." Doflamingo began to go on but he quickly stopped while you made an audible groan. "Please Mr. Flamingo, I will move away." 

His chuckle vibrated throughout his chest as you lifted your gaze skyward. The way his hand sent sparks down your body when he grazed them gingerly behind your ear, cupping your face, was a feeling you could never get bored of.  "I wonder how long Ms. Flamingo will be able to stay away." 

Panic and heat instantly scorched your face while your heart almost jumped out of your chest. Taking advantage of your shocked expression, he continued. "Ms. Flamingo has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you say?" 

You hadn't even expressed that you loved the man and he wants you to admit you'd take his name so easily? 

Perhaps you just needed to find the right time to say the words. 

Trying to dart the question, a large portal appeared that led to the Sabaody Archipelago. "We better not be late for our reservations, right?" You laughed before quickly jumping through. 

The cheers and laughs of families echoed throughout the large amusement park hidden deep in the Sabaody grooves. A few eyes caught his signature pink coat, and others immediately cleared a path, far from the warlord you stood next to. 

Peering eyes didn't help calm the tension in your shoulders. His large hand grabbed yours as he led the way through the separated crowd. As someone who stayed in the shadows for far too long, having a now recognizable bounty, and standing next to a fearsome warlord was a flash of different emotions. 

His hand tightened around yours as he felt your heartbeat increase through your tiny palm. In a flash, the two of you stood at the large, towering restaurant. A middle aged man brought the two of you into a private room that blew your mind. 

The yellow haze of the setting sun peered through the treetops and sparkled amongst the entire amusement park. Huge bubbles, that could fit the two of you in them, emerged and reflected the sun as they went up to the sky. 

"It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you." Doflamingo said, waiting for you to sit down in the booth. The smooth leather glided across your red silk dress, that just happened to match Doflamingo's all black suit. 

Your eyes never left his frame as he lowered himself next to you, the black suit and red sunglasses shining in the orange hue. His calm face and how handsome he looked in all black made your heart melt right there. How could such a handsome man ever have walked into your life, and completely changed it upside down for the better? 

His eyes never left your red, flushed face as you looked out beyond the window, and observed every detail of the amusement park. The way the sunset bounced off your hair, and your large smile made his heart feel things he never thought he would. 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now