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The bright rays of the Dressrosa sky peaked through the palace windows and warmed your skin. You laid on a table, with your hair tied up waiting for the pain of a buzzin tattoo to begin. "Don't worry (y/n)-land, once its done I will heal you right away!" The princess of the Tontatta said as she looked up at you with her big, blue eyes. 

The dozens of newly freed Tontatta cheered around you and grabbed your hand in comfort. "Damn rats.." You heard Doflamingo mumble lowly. Your narrow eyes lifted up to meet his as he stood next to the window, there was no doubt he missed your disapproving look. Mansherry giggled and said, "I just think Doflamingo wants to hold your hand too!" 

Leo stepped forward on the palm of your hand and held out his tiny weapon. "Not gonna happen, Doflamingo is gonna have to get through me first!" 

You and Mansherry began to giggle as Doflamingo and Leo had a standoff. Ever since the Tontatta in the factory had been freed days ago, Leo and Mansherry often visited you, and they were the best company to have. Doflamingo had been locked away in his office with Trebol ever since the two of you got back from Punk Hazard. In his few free moments, Doflamingo tried to visit you but the tontatta pulled you away. With each day, you could sense his growing frustration.  

Before Doflamingo's strings reached the prideful Leo, you grabbed them with you free hand and pulled his strings downward. How the Tontatta and Doflamingo would get along.. you had no earthly idea. Only time and patience could heal those wounds. 

Unsatisfied, Doflamingo got up from the window ledge and walked towards the front of the table, and placed both of his hands on either side of the table you laid on. The tontattas gripped your hand more and pulled it away from his. 

He stood there, looking down and ignoring the Tontattas. His gaze made heat rise in your lower half, his simple but sweet gesture of comfort was warming. 

"Time to make some art!" Giolla sang as she sat down and prepared your skin beneath your right ear for your Donquixote Jolly Roger tattoo. The loud buzzing of the needle began and you closed your eyes. 

"ITS TATTOO TIME!" Dellinger yelled before running through the door. Soon after, all the members of the family were piled into the room with words of encouragement. 

In a tiny room, dozens of your soon to be family, and tontatta surrounded you, with love. Never in a million years did you expect to be cherished by so many. 

Sugar's head barely popped up above the table, "You are going to want to die from the pain, but I know you will be alright." She said while popping in a single grape. "Thanks Sugar." You laughed. 

Everyone silenced as the needle pricked your skin for the first time. The pain ached throughout the bone in your lower ear. "You alright?" Violet asked over the buzz. "Yes, lets just get it over with as quick as possible." You winced. 

Luckily, the tattoo was about only an inch wide and was over in a flash. Mansherry leaped from your side and stood on your shoulder. The burning ache soon faded as a small light yellow orb appeared from her hands and landed on the spot of your new tattoo. "You're the best, Mansherry!" You praised. 

Her little eyes could have lit up a whole night sky, "Anything for our savior!" She said. All family members gathered in close to see the fast healing of the tattoo. You slowly began to rise up, and your hair fell down over your tattoo. The pain was completely gone, what would you have done without your precious Mansherry? 

"The show is over, (y/n) come with me." Doflamingo said while waiting by the open door. You waved to the family members and got up off the table. His large hand stopped you before you walked through the door, "No rats." 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now