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You looked behind him and saw large, dark thunderclouds with bolts of lightning slowly getting closer. The wind was so strong it almost toppled you over, and the chill bit your face. The once calm scene was now a nightmare. You felt your heart race as you realized that you were in the middle of a storm, with no shelter in sight. But it wasn't just the storm that worried you. It was the expression on Doflamingo's face. Even with his sinister grin, the only fear you had was over the consequences you'd face from Akainu.

The truth that you hoped would remain a secret was somehow set free.

"How do you know?"

He pulled the tape you spotted earlier out of his coat pocket; it had a small, tattered note tied onto it with a purple ribbon.

You quickly grabbed it out of his hands and read the rushed cursive writing:

Vice-Admiral (Y/N),

Your orders are to come to headquarters right away. Take out as much trash as you can along the way.
Remember your place, Justice comes first.

- Fleet Admiral Akainu

You could feel the anger boiling inside you as you read Akainu's message. He had sent another bird without code names, practically daring you to get caught. That arrogant bastard knew exactly how to push your buttons.

Akainu put you in a kill or be killed situation. Perhaps he would've preferred for you to be killed here and not bring shame to the Navy for failing the mission.

"A Vice-Admiral that reports directly to the Fleet Admiral... I knew you were something special." He laughed grimly; his thumb slowly cocked back his handgun.

You eyed the brown gun with golden accents, could this be the same gun that took his brother's life?

He continued, "I'm having a hard time understanding why you haven't betrayed me? As of now, I know you haven't told the Navy anything, in fact... you've covered me. Why?"

"Does it really matter? Your mind is already made up with your gun pointed to my head." You said against the howling wind from the incoming storm.

You were caught in a deadly game of survival with Doflamingo, and the weight of your duty was crushing you. The consequences of the failure of the mission were unthinkable. You both stood frozen, he waited for your response. The snow fell heavier and heavier around you. The sky turned a sickly shade of gray, as if it was warning you of the danger that loomed around.

You wished you could look into his red eyes one last time, but you knew that was a luxury you couldn't afford. It would crush you to be reminded of what once was.

Taking a deep breath, you tried to calm the turmoil inside you. Every fiber of your being screamed against it, but you knew that you had to attack. You didn't want to hurt Doflamingo, but you couldn't let him hurt you.

He pulled the trigger, your instincts taking over in a split second. Your all-black blade materialized in your hand, its sharp edge glinting in the light. Blue flames erupted around you, a fierce aura of power that seemed out of this world. The bullet was a mere blur as it hurtled towards you, but you were ready. Your blade sliced through the air with lightning speed, the bullet was cut in half, its deadly trajectory instantly halted. You felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through your veins, it's been too long since you've engaged in battle.

"Show me why I shouldn't end this here and now. Tell me why you have protected me!" He yelled out through the heavy snow.

Months of pent-up secrets and confusion erupted from deep within you, the moment your fingers closed around the hilt of your sword. The flames around you grew in intensity, fueled by the sheer force of your emotions. Your arm pulled back, muscles coiled with tension, before unleashing a ferocious swing that sent a shockwave hurtling towards him. But he didn't even flinch as it hit him, his eyes fixed on you with a cold, calculating stare.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now