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Like a fishman out of water you stood there in front of the entire Donquixote family. Your hangover and messy hair was not helping you gain their approval.

Akainu did warn you that there was a lot of them and they all had some sort of power.

"Soo.. she isn't a part of the family yet.. and she is still going to stay in the palace?" Giolla questioned.

"go die"

"this can't be true... can't be trueeee.. right doffy?"

"Give me ice cream and Ill like you"

Doflamingo's vein on his face was enough to make them shut up.

"Treat her as if she is a member of the family but with restrictions.. alright everyone?" Doflamingo growled.

"All men treat ladies with respect.." Senior Pink mouthed.

"This is good with a CAPITALLL G"

You were surprised that they actually listened to him.

Violet took a few steps forward, "Follow me.. ill show you to your room"

You quickly followed Violet into the large home. The high walls and cream colored decor melded together. For a bunch of pirates... this sure is an elegant home.

"Thank you.. I was getting grilled out there"

"They are like that with every new face"

We turned right into a corridor. One door was much larger than the others in the hall.

"You must be wondering why the door is so large.. its the kings room. It is where Doflamingo sleeps"

Did she read my mind or something?

The clicking of her heels bounced off the walls. You passed a few more doors on the left and right sides. A large window at the end of the hall poured out light.

"You will be here on the right"

She opened the dark, wooden door and waited for you to walk in. With the door open, she pointed to the other side of the hall, "My room is right there if you need anything."

You gave her a nod and opened the heavy closet doors. Clothes were already lined up. You pulled one out and inspected it.

Violet smiled and held one of the closet doors open, "I hope you like those.. Doflamingo gave me an idea of what your style was."

How would that pink feathered bastard freak know what my style was? You inspected every piece one by one. You couldn't deny that the clothes did match your style. Why would this man I don't even know go through so much?

All of it was not sitting well with your aching stomach.

"Violet.. do you know why Doflamingo is doing this? He doesn't even know me but yet he asks you to pick out an entire wardrobe for me?"

"Doflamingo is... a cruel man. Once he is fixated on a plan or someone he will do anything until he has it. I am not sure why he wants you. My guess is either luck is not on your side or you have a strong power."

"Did you have bad luck or a strong power?" You question.

She stared at the ground lost in her own words. "I have bad luck and a strong power. I can read the mind of anyone and all of my family is dead."

That is a big problem.. one read of your mind and there goes the whole plan.

She quickly shook her head and forced a smile, "if the clothes aren't to your liking then we can go shopping in town."

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now