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Loud voices echoed throughout the glass door at the end of long white walled corridor. Gripping onto Diamantes arm,  you began to steady your racing mind and body. Trebol had offered you his gooey arm, but there was no way in all the seas you'd touch that goo. 

The bright lights caused your eyes to squint as the three of you entered the glass door. There had to be dozens of well dressed noblemen and women conversing about various topics. The lack of personal space was suffocating as people walked all around you. 

Standing up straight, you regained your composure and let go of Diamantes arm. "Are you sure you are alright?" Diamante asked while staring down from above. 

"Yes, thank you." 

A woman with blonde hair, and brown eyes emerged from the crowd and greeted the three of you. There was something about her coy smile that sparked recognition, perhaps you had seen her before. 

"Nice to see you again Diamante, and Trebol. However, I don't believe we have met before." She said with a smile that sent shivers down your spine. Her cold glare made your skin crawl and the room dropped a few degrees. 

"This is Doffy's newest recruit! (Y/N) is the newest member of our family." Trebol announced. 

She extended her hand forward, but you declined. "I'm not feeling my best, wouldn't be a good idea to shake your hand right now." You lied and took a step backward. 

Trebols eyes landed on you, his face was as startled as if had just seen a ghost. "Excuse her!!!! Doffy still hasn't made her aware of all the associates of Dressrosa just yet!" His voice was loud against the other voices. 

"Associates?" You questioned, ignoring Trebols tone. 

In an instant, you picked up on a friendly, blue aura emerging from the crowd behind you. Turning around, Meridians face stood out amongst the others. Had he not started his revolution yet? 

"What a great honor, its the great brother of King Olivier!" Diamante announced as Meridian stood next to you. His smile was bright as ever, "I could say the same for you, Diamante." 

Diamante's cheeks flushed as he waved off the compliment. "No way! You've done so much for the partnership between Doshi island and Dressrosa!" 

"Its only natural that two powerful countries would eventually find each other." Meridian spoke. 

Your eyes never left his face since he walked up. The kind boy that helped you escape the island, your best friend before the murders, was right in front of you all grown up. 

The woman interrupted. "Have the two of you met before?" She asked with her burning gaze on you. 

"No!" You gushed out. 

She quickly responded, "Then why such lingering glares? Don't tell me you fancy Meridian already.." 

The was the last thing you'd ever want Doflamingo to assume.. 

"No! Not at all.. Just reminded me of someone I met a long time ago, deja vu.." 

She let out a quick laugh.. "Very well.. I've been trying to get my brother in law to marry for years now, he wont budge." 

Meridian was her brother in law? 

You felt you eyes widen as you slowly turned back to her. A large rock laid upon her left ring finger. Meridian read your mind as he said, "This is the queen of Doshi island, the wife of King Olivier, my brother." 

How could anyone possible marry someone as cruel and unloving as Olivier? 

"It can't be that shocking..." She hummed. 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now