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The dirty, tiny tunnel went on for ages. It was a miracle whenever a small dim light appeared 30 feet in front of you. You stopped at the edge and caught your breath. Small waves crashed against the dock, toys and workers with tan pants and black shirts frantically ran across the port. The underground facility was buzzing and alive.  A large factory with SMILE carved into it stood next to the pirate ships. A large pirate ship caught your eye. It was royal blue with black engravings, 'King Olivier' was engraved with white letters amongst the sides.

Why is that monster here?

You jumped out of the burrowed hole and hid behind large cargo containers. Your body began to shake out of fear and anger. You always knew you would face that wretched man once again, but not so soon.

Pushing out your observation haki, a familiar aura was spotted on the other side of the canal amongst the rocks. A large vessel began to bubble to the surface, completely hidden by the large pirate ships.

You were running out of time.

A portal opened and you jumped in quickly, falling to the other side of the port.  A slim woman's back faced you, she wore a workers uniform, tan pants with a black shirt.

You fell flat on your ass when you saw the blue hair poke out from her beanie.

It couldn't be..

"I guess i'm caught, huh?" Her soft voice spoke.

Your hands rested on her shoulder as you turned her around and hugged her tightly.

"OHMYGODIMISSEDYOU BUT WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" A harsh whisper tunneled out of you.

A metallic creak roared behind the two of you. Kumo's head emerged from the top of the black submarine.

"Hey.. funny seeing you here." Kumo scratched his head in embarrassment.

You let go of your friend and walked towards the submarine. The insignia on the side read 'Revolutionary Army Class 023'

And here you were feeling guilty of hiding your marine status from the pair of twins..

"Revolutionary Army, huh? but why now and what about crocodile?" You ask.

Yumo grabbed your hand and let you to the submarine. She quickly jumped in and stood next to Kumo. "Doflamingo is an ex-world noble and a notorious underground criminal known as Joker.. I'm sure you already figured that one out. We have info that today there are two huge deals going on... one is with King Olivier, and we wanted to stop it if possible.."

Kumo quickly added, "and about Crocodile.. we are on our annual two week vacation sooo"

Joy leaped out of your chest, you jumped into the tiny submarine and hugged them both. "You two would risk your lives just to stop King Olivier.."

They both engulfed you in hugs, "Of course, fuck that guy." He added.

"But why blow up Doflamingo?"  you asked while pulling away.

They both looked at eachother and giggled, "Why the hell not? That guy is evil. We weren't expecting you to be at the bar, also nice job putting Kidd in his place." Yumo smiled.

Your blood ran cold, if Doflamingo found out that your two best friends tried to blow him up.

"You two need to get out of here now, if Doflamingo finds out.." Your chest sank just thinking of what would happen to your best friends.

"That bastard hasn't harmed you, has he?" Kumo asked while inspecting your body.

You rolled your eyes at him, "No.. he is actually.. not bad?" You laughed.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now