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Muffled voices made your heavy eyelids flutter open. The bright light signaled that is was afternoon. You jumped up out of your bed and held your ear to the door. The voices became clearer, "There was no submarine.. but we found a pirate ship." You heard Diamante say. 

 Submarine! You opened your door and walked down the hall. Your chest was tight as you hurridly walked towards everyone. Every member of the family was gathered around and talking in great detail. "There you are!" Violet broke from the conversation and pulled you in. "Had a late night.." you said to everyone. 

"And just what were you doing? HMMMM" Trebol yelled across the room. You wanted to yell back and say something along the lines of fixing the lies he told Doflamingo, but it would do no good. 

An unusual gruff voice emerged, "She was helping me.." 

Could that be ... 

The couch slid back a few inches once Doflamingo sat down between Sugar and Dellinger. He made a very audible groan he laid his head back on the top of the couch and stared at the ceiling. "WHAT?! You didn't call me to help, Doffy!" Trebol whined. 

"The situation was under control, now Baby 5 and Buffalo, did you find anything while searching all night?" 

Baby 5 giggled, "I found a new fiancé!" 

Doflamingo pinched the bridge of his nose.."Diamante, kill the new fiancé immediately." 

Diamante intervened, "I don't think that is a good idea.. he is a revolutionary army officer.. However, we didn't find them in a submarine.." 

"Interrogate him then kill." 

"WHATTT.. BUT HE LOVES ME!" Baby 5 whined. "No he doesn't, he is just using you." Doflamingo angrily added. 

Your heart dropped, they had found a revolutionary officer.. could it be Kumo? Where the hell would Yumo be? 

"Operations will return as usual, however, (Y/N) and I will be leaving in a few hours and will be back in a few days. Please get the ship ready and do not kill the revolunationary officer until we're back." 

Baby 5 huffed and crossed her arms and barged out of the palace. Violet gasped, "Where are you two going?" She demanded with her angry eyes glaring at Doflamingo, who is still staring at the ceiling. 

"Don't worry, I'm not forcing her to go against her will."  

He got off the couch and exited out of the palace doors. Everyone member in the family stood there in surprise.. usually Doflamingo was more alive and flamboyant, not today. 

"WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!? WHAT IS WRONG WITH DOFFY??" Trebol ran straight to you. You prayed that any of his flinging goo didn't touch any part of you. 

"Probably just has a bad hangover." You suggested to the frantic man. 

Violet thought about it for a moment and responded, "Did he have a nightmare? He is usually like this the day after.." 

The rest of the family concluded that it had to be because of a nightmare, and they were right. 

"Yes" You said to them. 

"Aww, the poor young master being troubled by his hideous nightmares again.." Giolla expressed. 

Violet led you away from the family and back into your room. "We need to get you packed and ready to go!" 

She grabbed a suitcase and placed it on your bed. The wardrobe opened and shows the clothes inside. She scanned over all the articles of clothing, "I'm assuming it will be warm?" 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now