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All top officers, Meridian, and Doflamingo sat around a circular table, in the evening before the attack. Sitting next to Doflamingo, you observed him lost in thought, staring down at the map on the table. "There are several things you should know about Queen Ume, (y/n). She has the power to make people forget memories just by touch." 

A spark of recognition spread across Doflamingo's face. "The forget forget fruit. I wondered where that devil fruit went all those years ago." 

"How should we deal with her, Doffy?" Trebol asked. 

He stopped to think for a moment, with his head leaned against his propped up hand: "Meridian, what do you know of her devil fruit power?" 

"Her only weakness is those who have strong will. She attempted to use the fruit on me, and thought she succeeded. As long as she doesn't touch you - memories wont be lost. I think it might be best if I deal with Queen Ume." Meridian said. 

"The only one left is King Olivier, and I will deal with him." You said. 

Doflamingo's face still wavered in uncertainty, "What do you want to do with them after? I have a feeling you won't kill them..." 

"You have a prison somewhere on Dressrosa, don't you?" 

Diamante interjected, "We have the finest prison!" 

"Then that's where they'll be, I have a feeling the forget forget fruit will come in handy one of these days..." You stared down at the map of the islands surrounding Doshi.  "I'd like Meridian to be the king of the island once this is all over." 

"But (y/n), the people wanted your family---." You cut him off. "It was supposed to be you, not Olivier. You were born to rule, and my sister would've had a wonderful time being queen, but me, I have other priorities." 

"Like being the Queen of Dressrosa!" Leo yelled out. 

"LEO!" Mansherry yelled and slapped his head, "You know she doesn't want to be called that just yet!" 

You sat with your face in your hands, trying to escape in any way you could. The Queen of Dressrosa would imply that you'd marry Doflamingo... and your relationship with him was so young. You'd only been with him for only under a year... 

"Oh come on (y/n), we know the nature of you and Doflamingo at this point." Diamante sighed. 

"The whole palace knows..." Violet mummered, as if she had heard things she wish she didn't. 

Sinking into the seat with a fiery face, Doflamingo's laugh made the anxiety lessen. "If you want to be the queen of both islands, I won't stop you." He said. 

Stammering out, "No... nono. I - My main goal is to get the Amaterasu sword. Meridian will be the king - that's my decision." 

"Alright, my Queen." Doflamingo teased. Your face didn't match the rest, you were flushed, and glaring at the frustrating blonde haired man. 

The rest of the logistics were planned out for the rest of the night. The tontatta would aid in escorting the people to safety, Meridian would deal with Ume, Top Executives would fight King Olivier's army if it came to it, and lastly, you would bring King Olivier to his knees. 

The day was almost to an end, and tomorrow morning would be the start of a new fate for the people of your Island. 

They would be free from King Olivier's tyranny, and the Amaterasu sword will be home. 

The sun began to peak above the boundless blue horizon. Soft light hit the island of Doshi, signaling that it would be a new day for the citizens. This morning would be anything from ordinary as you stepped onto the once familiar grounds of Doshi. 

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now