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You step through the portal and your boots sink into the fresh snow. The mountains tower above you, their tips smothered with white, powdery snow. The air is crisp and cold, and you can feel the chill seeping into your exposed skin. Ahead, a metal entryway is carved into the mountain, beckoning you forward.

Without thought, your cold arm entered a portal and you pulled out a warm coat. The new layer eased the bite of the cold. Doflamingo left a trail of prints in the snow as he waited for you at the entrance.

The sound of your footsteps echoes throughout the dimly lit metal corridor. You glance over at Doflamingo, wondering what he is thinking. The two of you walked alone, surrounded by darkness and uncertainty. You can't help but to feel a sense of unease at the silence from Doflamingo. His mood changed like night from day, what could have triggered the change this time?

No use in waiting for him to talk.

"What are you thinking about?" You asked with your eyes focused on the gray floor ahead.

Doflamingo looked towards you, pondering over your question. He hesitates for only a moment, before answering. "I made a swear to destroy everything in this hell. Here I am with you, pursing this fantasy of improving the lives of others I don't care for. So what if those rats waste away in the factory? Why should I care? They mean nothing."

You stopped in your tracks and looked at him in disbelief. He came to a slow stop and his back faced you, as if he were challenging his old ideals. "The Tontatta deserve every right to live free just as you and I do." You said challenging him.

His celestial dragon ego was clearly visible. It was only a matter of time before you witnessed the distorted reality that those of celestial blood lived in. However, you also noticed glimmers of light breaking through the lifelong veil he had been wearing. How could you help him see the good and light in others that he was currently blind to?

His voice was low, almost a whisper; "I used to think that the Tontatta, anyone else not in my family, those not of celestial blood is considered trash - a waste."

You stepped forward and spoke in a forceful tone. "Used to think?"

He turned slowly, and the confusion written on his face was evident despite the red sunglasses. The tall man bent down and looked at you eye level. You could sense that you were close to breaking the veil. "Perhaps your ways have grown on me, (y/n). You are quite the little dilemma." Could it be that you had changed his ideals as he did yours?

Suddenly, hurried footsteps echoed throughout the corridor, interrupting your thoughts. Dozens of men wearing yellow suits bowed before Doflamingo. A woman with green hair and bird feet emerged from the shadows and greeted him, "Welcome, young master. Caesar is waiting for you."

You followed Doflamingo down the hallway as he engaged in conversation with the bird woman. Drowning out the noise along the way, you were rethinking his words.

The connection between you and Doflamingo could no longer be ignored. Your body tensed just thinking about revealing the truth to him. Was this even an option? A million worse case scenarios clouded your mind as the dark corridor lit up and you walked into a new scene.

Caesar Clown and the bird woman, Monet, both wore big smiles as Doflamingo waited for you to walk through.

You sat down on the dark red couch in the metal laboratory. A shiver ran through you as it was colder in here than outside. Your once-warm jacket was almost useless.

Hundreds of beakers and vials lined up on the laboratory counter and the only uncluttered space was on the chairs and coffee table in the middle of the room.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now