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There was no warmth, nor cold, as you stood in an endless soft yellow hue. The still, solid surface beneath you seem to run on for miles, in every direction. It was if you were standing on an endless yellow sea, with no land anywhere to be seen.

Walking in the direction of faint mumbling, five dark figures appeared in the distance. Your heart raced as the voices became louder, and more familiar. As you ran, joy slowly brimmed the surface of you, as voices you could only faintly remember rung in your ears.

Your entire family, still the same age as the day they died, all sat down, huddled around a crystal ball. All of them even wore the same clothes that they died in, meanwhile, you wore a white gown, and your skin had no indication of battle wounds.

"Do you think we'll get to see her?" Your older brother said, entranced by the large, white ball.

Your father was the first to turn around. His long, dark ponytail still perfect as ever. They all soon followed suit, with the warmest smiles. Those smiles, their joy, how were you able to see them?

And how were they able to see you?

The comforting arms of your father wrapped you up. A feeling like no other, to be able to see your family. Involuntary tears flowed out of you, unable to handle the feeling. "Dad.."

"It's alright my little moon, you've done so well." Your father said, kissing the top of your head. The moment you heard little moon, a pain like no other shocked your system. That was his special name for you, ever since he taught you about the stories of Tsukuyomi. "SISTER!!!" Your brothers yelled and tackled you to the ground once your father let go. "Let go idiots.." Your sister scolded them before picking you up off the ground.

Towering over your siblings was odd, you were now older than all of them. The youngest was now the oldest. "YOU WERE SO COOL FIGHTING THAT LAVA GUY!!" Your oldest brother yelled out, his eyes sparkling with adoration.

"YOU WENT ALL MOON CRAZY ON HIM!" The second oldest yelled.

Of course, that's what those two were focused on. They were the next in line to wield the Tsukuyomi blade. Laughter came deep within you, as they gushed over your power. "And once you get the Amaterasu blade, you'll be even more powerful than me." Your father said while ruffling your hair.

"All of you boys are focused on that stupid sword.. come here, (y/n)." Your mom emerged from behind your dad and pulled you into a deep hug. Your mom smelled of herbs that she always boiled. The comfort of a mother's hug was something you'd missed for years. "I'm so proud of you." She said, still not letting you go, and you refused to let go of her.

"I haven't done that much.."

With her hands on your shoulders, she pulled back. "You've mastered one of the 12 supreme grade swords, The Tsukuyomi. You've honored your father, your family, by becoming so powerful. You were even a vice admiral, and now, you are finding your own way. What is there not to be proud of?" She asked.

Your brothers grabbed each one of your hands, "and you are gonna retake Doshi island! Restore it to its former glory." Dad soon interjected. "Most importantly, you will retake the sword that is your birthright, The Amaterasu."

Your dads face turned downward.. "I'm sorry you are burdened with all this, my little moon. I never wanted this for you."

Releasing your grip from your brothers, you hugged your dad tightly. "But you've done so well considering the fate you were given. I couldn't be prouder." He cried, with tears falling onto your hair. You wiped the tears from your face and smiled at him. "I know that you will be even prouder in the coming years."

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now