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The full moon's image reflected on the red lens of his glasses. His hands went into the pockets of his pink striped pants. The flaps of his open shirt wafted in the wind. 

The cool night's air from the sea made you shiver. The warmth of the sun was missed. You crossed your arms for warmth while staring at the man. 

He looked up to the stars then back down to the ocean. 

"My family and I will be leaving to Dressrosa tomorrow. I would like for you to come with us." 

You continued to stare at him. The heels of your shoes kept sinking into the sand. You began to take off your heeled shoes, "Why me? There are much stronger people that work for crocodile.. and people who have devil fruit abilities. " 

You already knew why he wanted you. However, you didn't want him to think you'd just blindly agree to leave. If he wanted a challenge.. you were going to give it to him. 

He gazed over his shoulder at you before taking a step closer. 

"Why don't you go take a swim in the ocean?" 

You immediately shook your head. 

Amusement sparkled on his face. 

"Does water make you weak?" 

Sneaky Bastard

"I have a very expensive dress on" Crossing your arms you stood with all your might. 

"I am the king of Dressrosa! When you arrive you will have any dress on the island you want." 

Now that was a good argument. "This one is sentimental" 

His finger grazed his chin before pointing in the opposite direction, "Isn't your home not far from here..." 

"H-how do you know where I live?" You stood in there in shock while staring at your home in the distance. 

He slowly chuckled before walking towards the house. A strong gust of wind forced your hair back. Through the strands of your hair you saw a single feather fly off his jacket and onto the sand. 

The feather looked just like the one in your room. 

He continued to walk as you stood there, "Why do you want to go into my home again?" 

The crunching beneath his black shoes stopped. 

"Second time is a charm"

You didn't think he would admit to it that easily... didn't take much.

The heels in your hands swayed between your arms as you caught up to him. The dark house stood peaceful and silent on the shore. 

"I'm impressed you already found out.."

You grabbed your key to your home. You stood by the door pondering. 

Did you really want Doflamingo in your home... again?


You turned around to face him. Your back leaned against the door. 

"The door was open when I got here and there was a pink feather under my desk" 

"Rather clumsy of me..." he hummed while tapping his foot. 

You looked to the left and right. There was nobody on the shore. The night was silent. The moon behind him casted a shadow. 

How can I keep him out? 

"Are we gonna stand here all night?" His voice was low. 

Your mind processed many different excuses to keep him out.

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now