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Small drips of water echoed throughout the sea-prism stone cellar. The low, red light peaked through the hot steam that wafted in the room. Your back was hot against the wall and your bare feet stung at the touch of the floor. Eyes burned from the steam as the cuffs dragged you down. The room had to be 15 feet wide and 20 feet high. Tall enough for anyone to come in and interrogate a prisoner.

You knew exactly where you were. The familiar damp smell of dirt, sea-prism stone floors and walls had to be the well hidden Navy interrogation room deep in the mountain, close to the volcano on Secon Island. Burning heat from the lava radiated into the sea-stone and made the room turn into an unpleasant steam room on a humid day.

A loud buzz rung in your ears as the sweating and unhappy transponder snail struggled to clicked on. "You're finally awake." Tanuki's voice came through.

"This is VERY illegal Tanuki. If Akainu finds out you are on the shit list." You said while staring up into the smoky haze. It would only be a matter of 30 minutes before the steam over heated your body and you would be delirious. It was a very cruel method to get information out of someone.

You knew that time was running out, not only for your body but for the Tontatta. It was impossible to tell how much time had passed and the plant would bloom at any moment. Time was a lost construct in the interrogation room. Surely Doflamingo and Yumo would notice that you were missing, but how would they be able to find you in a seastone prism hidden cellar?

"I don't think so.. once I get the information out of you I will be the hero in this little story." She laughed.

"You are putting the entire mission at risk just because you can't get over that Akainu chose me for the job!"

The day you were briefed on the mission replayed in your head. Akainu assembled all of his "proteges" into a room. He told all five of you that there was a top-secret spy mission into the Donquixote family and Tanuki immediately volunteered. Ever since she got shot down my Akainu.. her main goal was to throw your mission off track and prove you weren't good enough for it.

You never thought she would go to this extreme..

"Unlike you, I would never be seduced by an evil bastard like Doflamingo. I knew you would be too weak for this. I'm taking iniative and you WILL give me all the information you've gathered and I will prove to Akainu that he was wrong to chose you."

The anger bubbling in your chest was hotter than the lava on the other side of the wall. You.. weak? How dare she say such a thing. Every time the two of you sparred, you always won. The years of training you put yourself through made you an excellent swordswoman and your haki was untouchable. The reason Akainu chose you was because you were the strongest out of all five of his proteges. You wiped the sweat off your wet skin and responded bitterly.. "If i'm weak then come in here yourself."

"I'll stay here, thank you. First question - how did you get from Crocodile's island to Dressrosa?"

Her words went in one ear and out the other. The only way to get her into the cellar would for her to get angry. You knew her temper was her worst enemy. Ignoring her question you began, "Akainu told me why he chose me instead of you."

She paused and asked another question. "Since you don't want to answer the first one.. What evidence have you gathered from the Donquixote family? You've been there for weeks, you know something."

She completely ignored your question and you did the same. "Akainu chose me because he thought you'd pick a fight with Doflamingo and you'd be killed. I'm more calm and don't go overboard with things.."

You heard a faint slam on the other side of the wall, and wood breaking and falling onto the ground shortly followed. A few unknown voices emerged that weren't hers. What other people were aiding her?

Pulling His Strings - [Book 1] [Doflamingo x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now