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Larissa is annoyed, to say the least. She doesn't normally join the school for breakfast and instead has it delivered to her office but today she decided she would join her school.

Shes regretted it ever since she sat down. And regretted it even more when she was walking to her seat. "I would hit that." She heard a group of kids whispering as she walked by and she cringed.

And to make matters worse, the only available seat was next to Miss Frump. So you can imagine how many looks they were getting from students combined.

"Don't be so tense, darling." Morticia whispers in Larissas ear, causing her to jump. Larissa glares at Morticia and Morticia smiles back.

Everyone in the room notices the obvious power struggle between the two. "If you could refrain from sticking your lips in my ear, it would be much appreciated." Larissa replies and goes back to her food.

"Oh, but why would I want to do that?" Morticia retorts and Larissa rolls her eyes. They begin bickering like little kids and everyone else watches on, trying to figure out what they're saying but it's hopeless when they block their mouths with their hands.

"Can you give me some space? You're practically sitting on me." Larissa whispers harshly and Morticia laughs. "Wouldnt you love that." She scrunches her nose mockingly.

"Not any more than I'd love to gauge my own eyes out." Larissa retorts and Morticia giggles. "I could do it for you." Morticia replies with a sickly sweet tone.

"If I don't want your lips in my ear, what makes you think I want your hands anywhere near my eyes?" Larissa hisses as she stabs at her food.

It was a mystery how Morticia was able to get Larissa into bickering matches with her. If it were anyone else speaking to her this way, she'd just stare as she kicked them out and onto their backside.

"Awww why not? I promise I won't bite. Unless you ask me to." Morticia giggles like a school girl.

"Why on earth would I ask you to bite me?" Larissa retorts and Miss Thornhill, who's sat next to them giggles. "Hm, I don't know. To fulfill your dirty little fantasy's?" Morticia smiles back.

Larissa groans and shoves her plate away from her. She has definitely lost her appetite. She wanted to stop this conversation before it got any further but the only way to shut Morticia up was to beat her at her own game.

"Whatever makes your panties wet, Morticia." Larissa was glad the teachers table was far away from the students. She had thought she finally shut Morticia up until-

"Oh you know it does, Larissa."


I groan as I wake up. I check the time and see I have about 20 minutes to get ready for breakfast. I take a quick shower and put on my uniform.

After doing my hair I put on my shoes and I'm out the door. I'm blasting music as I walk to the dining hall and all of a sudden an arm is around my shoulders.

I take off my headphones and stare at the random guy. "Are you new here?" I put my headphones in my pocket and turn off my music. I haven't made a friend yet, so this was my opportunity to not look like a loner.

"Yes. I got here yesterday. Y/n." He looks at my face and tilts his head. "Xavier. Oh, you're the girl that snatched your bags from Miss Frump." I frown as we round the corner and enter the corridor of the dining hall.

"I didn't snatch it off her." I insist and he chuckles. "I just wished to carry my own bags." He opens the door for me and I smile at him. The first thing that catches my eyes is Miss Frump and Principal Weems bickering while the teacher next to them laughs.

I have to rip my eyes away from the pair.

Xavier still has his arm around my shoulders as he leads us to a table. "But we all saw Principal Weems carrying your bags." He says as we sit down.

"Yes, well it's quite hard to argue with a woman twice your height isn't it?" That's a lie. I could've, if I wanted to. He nods thoughtfully and i only now realise that the table we're sitting at isn't empty.

"Oh. Hello." I say awkwardly as they all stare at me. The girl on the opposite of me is staring at me as if she wants to strangle me. And I realise it's because Xavier's arm is around me.

I don't know what she's staring at me for.

"I'm y/n." I say quickly and a girl stares at me. "You're the one who snatched your bags from Miss Frump." I stop myself from frowning again. "I didn't snatch it."

They finally break out in smiles (except the girl sitting across from me) and I feel my shoulders relax. They all introduce themselves and I repeat their names in my head to remember them.

Yoko, Ajax, Divina and Enid. I recognise Enid as the girl who helped me find my way to Principal Weems office.

I can tell straight away that Enid and Ajax are a couple. (Sorry Wenclair stans😭😭😭)

I turn to the girl in-front of me and extend a hand. "Y/n y/l/n." She looks at my hand in disgust but takes it anyway. "Bianca Barclay."

I'm talking to Yoko who's sitting beside me when Xavier taps me on the shoulder. His arm is still around my shoulders and I find immense pleasure in watching Bianca glare at me because of it.

"Yea?" I ask and he leans down to my ear, his eyes still fixed on something else. "Am I crazy, or is Miss Frump and Principal Weems staring at us?" I squint my eyes as I follow his line of vision and find he is infact, not crazy.

They're looking directly at us. Though I can't tell if it's at me or Xavier. "They are totally looking at you two." Yoko says as she moves away from me hesitantly. "They look like they want to kill you."

I frown and move away from Xavier to test something. When their eyes stay glued to Xavier I breathe a sigh of relief. "Ooooo someone's made their hit list." Ajax jokes as Xavier quickly looks away.

"Traitor." Xavier jokes as he elbows me in the side and I laugh. "And anyway, what did I do?" Enid shrugs and picks at her food. "I don't know Xavier, maybe it's the constantly painting anywhere and everywhere you can that's annoying them." Enid says, giggling.

"Hell it sure annoys me." Yoko says and I laugh, quickly covering my mouth with my hand. "Hey, what'd you choose for your extracurricular?" Divina asks me and I swallow my food.

"Art." They all smile and fan themselves. "What?" I ask and Yoko laughs. "You're with the Headmistress herself." I nod and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"And I took art this year too. Staring at Miss Frump is getting old. Besides, that's all I do in her class it's why I always fail." Xavier says and I laugh. "Are you sure that's the only reason you fail?" Divina asks and everybody laughs.

"You guys are a bunch of bullies." Xavier rolls his eyes and i now realise Bianca's gone. "Hey where did Bianca go?" I ask and they shrug.

"Who knows. Probably off to hang with her real friends." Yoko says and I frown. "She only hangs out with us because she doesn't want any of us near Xavier."

Xavier groans and lays his head on the table. "No wonder she was looking at me like she wanted to strangle me."

"Well, atleast we had a similar encounter today."

Wordcount: 1317.

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