far far away from here

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i wake up to the feeling of Larissa shifting around vigorously. "Larissa?" I ask sleepily as her body continues to shake. "No- Don't leave me, please..." She mumbles and I frown. "Don't go- I couldn't bare it again-"

I take her face in my hands and try to shake her awake. "It's a dream, Larissa. Wake up." I whisper in her ear, groaning when she jolts awake and immediately wraps her arms tightly around me.

"Sorry, love..." She trails off, already beginning to fall back asleep. "Goodnight, Larissa." I say, snuggling myself into her chest. "Goodnight...Morticia."


I haven't been able to sleep and I can't even move because Larissas arms are wrapped so tightly around me. Once the daylight finally shines through my curtains I push at her chest to break free from her grip.

"It's morning. You should go." I say coldly as I stand up and wrap my sheets around myself. "Huh?" She asks, pulling the blanket up to her chest. "You. Should. Go." I repeat.

"Why?" She asks and I sigh. "You're the principal, I'm the student, its never gonna work." I say, but I don't mean it. I want it to work. I need it to work.

"I'm going for a shower." I say quietly, choking on my own tears. I lock the bathroom door behind me and turn on the shower. I hop in and hear my dorm door close.

As soon as it does I feel myself breaking. I cry, feeling dirty, used and abused. I knew she was seeing Morticia, of course I did, I saw them when I was sneaking out to see Irene.

What exactly did I expect? For principal Weems to drop everything for a college kid? I sound ridiculous.

I finish up my shower and change into comfortable clothing, texting Yoko that I need a hug. Not even 10 seconds later and she's bursted through my door with candy in her hands.

"Who did it? Who do I need to kill?" She asks dramatically and I laugh as she wraps her arms around me. "Not anyone important, unfortunately."


I think I've been getting better. My grades are getting better, my friendships are getting better ever since I stopped playing cat and mouse with Miss Frump and Principal Weems.

It's only been about a week and a half, but I can see improvement. I just can't help but miss that feeling, the feeling of surprise and lust when one of them pops up out of nowhere and shoves me against the nearest wall.

But I think this new mentality is a lot healthier for me, because I don't deserved to be mind fucked by two women who were made for eachother.

I walk into Botany class and sit down next to Xavier. "Mornin," I say cheerfully. His head is on the table, and we haven't even started class yet. "God, who pissed in your cheerios?"

"What?" He asks, confused. "Oh, let me rephrase. Why are you in such a bitchy mood today?" He finally lifts his head off the desk and looks at me.

"Wanna guess?" "Bianca?" I laugh as he groans again. "She asked me to the rave'n." I frown. "And that's a bad thing because?" "Because I don't want to go with her. And ever since I said no, it's like her friends have been spying on me."

I look around the class and spot a girl staring directly at Xavier and I. "Wow. Good luck with that." I laugh as I take out a book and pen. "They'll probably go away once you find a date." I say mindlessly as I write down notes.

In the corner of my eye, I can see him staring at me.


So. Here I am. Getting dressed to go the Rave'n with Xavier. I don't remember how he got me to agree, but I think it was along the lines of "I'll do anything you want for a week." And how could I pass down that offer?

I'm already wearing my dress (you choose pookies) and I've just put on my heels with my earrings that were gifted to me by Vivi. She's like my sugar mommy, if I'm being honest.

There's a knock at my door, "I'm coming!" I yell as I scatter across the room toward the door. "Xav-" I stop dead in my tracks because it's not Xavier. It's Irene.

"Irene?" I ask, lost for words. "In the flesh, baby." I look her up and down, eyeing the suit she's got on. Her white Blazer is unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up, showing her forearms. She's wearing white pants and gold heels, and her top is...

"Isn't that abit risky to wear?" I ask, staring down at her lacy white top that leaves the top of her full breasts on display. "Would you like me to take it off?" She smirks, crossing her arms and making her bust appear larger.

"I- Irene we're gonna be late." I say, trying to stop myself from begging her to take it off. "Well then, my love?" She offers me her arm and I take it, forgetting all about my deal with Xavier.

"Why are you here?" I ask as we walk to the hall. "Miss Thornhill invited me. As her date." My jaw drops and I slap her arm. "So what are you doing with me?" "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

I sigh, "Why wouldn't I be?" "Well, last time we fucked you were talking to me about how you were stuck in a love triangle." She laughs lightly. "Oh. Yeah." I say quietly. I wouldn't say love triangle, more like two women who love each other, fighting over a college girl for fun.

"So how have you been, honey?" I don't know how to answer her. Should I say I'm okay? Should I say I'm getting better? Should I say I miss being fucked ruthlessly everytime I did something wrong?

"I'm...here." I say and freeze in shock when she pulls me into a hug. "I want you to be more than here, my love." She looks down at me and her expression is so full of love, I can't take it.

"What's wrong with me?" I ask quietly, holding onto her tightly. "Why don't they love me?" Im trying to hold in my tears as she rubs my back soothingly.

"Uh uh...pretty girls don't cry, love. And especially not on the night of their school dance." I giggle, "I wish I could take you away from here...far away." She whispers.

I look up at her, hope in my eyes. "Take me." I beg and she frowns. "My love, you don't mean that." Oh but I do. I want to leave. I can't take it here anymore.

"I do. I so do, Irene. I don't care where we go, just please take me someplace far from here." She smiles down at me. "I'll ask you again tomorrow, and if you say yes, I'll book us flights."

I jump onto her, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. "Fuck- I love you! I love you! I love you!" I squeal, kissing her around her face. I've figured something out: I do love Irene, just not in the way of a romantic partner.

"YES!" I scream, finally getting the energy boost I needed, knowing something good is coming out of all of this.

By this time in two days, I'll be long gone.


Wordcount: 1257

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