"Expel. Me."

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"How dare you skip class! Do you understand what great trouble you're in?" I feel anger rising in me as I see Miss Frump in the corner with a smirk on her face.

"A week. A WEEK! YOU'VE BEEN MISSING FROM HER CLASS FOR A WEEK!" I block my ears because I would rather not be deaf for the rest of my life. "And two days." Miss Frump adds.

I stare at her, my eyes empty. I'm tired of being played around by these women. I'm tired of being caught in the middle. Wether I'm this one's this day or that one's the next. I'm just fucking tired.

I'm a person and I don't deserve to be mind fucked by two women who are clearly rivalling with each other.

"A WEEK AND TWO DAYS! I COULD EXPEL YOU!" I honestly don't care at this point. "So do it." I say coldly. I don't know why but getting yelled at by Principal Weems is setting me off.

"EXCUSE ME?" Principal Weems asks as she grows to her full height. Miss Frump stands up too and stares at the two of us in disbelief.

"Expel. Me." I repeat, already picking up my bags. I can see the regret in Miss Frumps eyes but I don't care. "Surely expulsion isn't the answer." Miss Frump insists.

"You didn't seem to be so concerned about me a minute ago." I say coldly and stand up. "HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK TO A MEMBER OF STAFF! YOU'RE ALREADY IN ENOUGH TROUBLE AS IT IS-"

"I'm already expelled. Aren't I?" I answer and stare up at Principal Weems. Miss Frump and I are staring at her, waiting for her to answer.

I love this school and the opportunities it offers but I'm sure I can find it somewhere else. "I-" Principal Weems stutters and I have to stop myself from smirking.

"Now's not the time to stutter, Principal Weems." I say mockingly and she narrows her eyes at me. "No." I hear Miss Frump exhale and I roll my eyes. "You're not expelled. You do however, have a week and two days detention with either me, Miss Frump or Miss Thornhill."

I silently stand up and am about to walk out when Principal Weems stops me. "And leave your bags. You went off campus without a permission slip so anything you may have brought was obtained while breaking the rules."

"Fine. But just know if you look through my things, that'll be a breach of student privacy and you could be fired for it." I say sweetly and drop my bags on the floor.

"Don't be a brat and hand your bags to me like a good girl." Principal Weems demands and my hold on the door knob tightens. Shit.

I slowly pick my bags up and walk over to her desk. I drop them infront of her and she allows her eyes to peek inside them for a brief second but everything in it is covered by decoration paper.

"Mmm good girl." She purrs and I gulp. I quietly leave her office, slamming the door behind me.


"Morning Miss Thornhill." I say as I walk into detention. Instead of it just being her, it's her, Miss Frump and Principal Weems. I don't know why there's so many teachers but whatever.

"Morning Y/n." She smiles at me from her desk and looks at me confused when I don't acknowledge the other two teachers.

I sit down across from Miss Thornhill and set my bag on the floor. "So what do I have to do?" I ask, my face falling flat when a hand squeezes my shoulder.

"Don't be rude, darling. Greet your headmistress." I stare up at Principal Weems and smile with fake sincerity. "Good morning, Principal Weems."

She hums in approval and takes a seat next to me. I quietly move my chair away from her and stare up at Miss Thornhill.

"So what do I have to do?"


I'm currently sorting out Miss Thornhills books in alphabetical order. "Y/n, your phone is ringing." Miss Thornhill calls from the other end of the room.

I hop down from the book shelf and grab my phone, ignoring the looks I'm getting from Miss Frump and Principal Weems.


"Hello my love." I frown as I climb back up on the book shelf.

"Sorry, who's this?" The person laughs.

"Ouch. I'm the woman who took your virginity."

I almost drop the book im holding but I quickly regain my posture and clear my throat.

"Oh...hey." I say awkwardly as I tuck the phone between my shoulder and ear. "What're you doing right now?" She asks, her voice husky and seductive.

"I'm..." I turn around to see if anyone is looking and am not surprised when I see Miss Frump and Principal Weems staring at me. I roll my eyes.

"I'm in detention." I say loudly with a huff. "Oh my...someone's been a bad girl." She whispers and my cheeks turn red. "Maybe..."

"I think I need to discipline you...hm? How does that sound?" I bite down on my lower lip in thought. I'm a free woman. I can do whatever the hell I want. And right now, I want to have sex.

"Eight tonight sound good?" She suggests and I nod, forgetting she can't see me. "Yes, it's does." I can't give away that I'm going anywhere obviously and she seems to get the hint.

"Alright my love. See you then."


Wordcount: 920

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