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I enter my dorm and close the door behind me. I flop onto my bed and scream into my pillow. That was by far the worst class I've ever had.

And I'm sure that was Miss Frumps goal.

"Miss Y/l/n stop talking." "Miss Y/l/n do your work." "Miss Y/l/n stop fidgeting." "Miss y/l/n do this." "Miss Y/l/n do that."

It was getting impossible to get any of my work done when Miss Frump or Principal Weems was always hovering over my shoulder telling me what to do.

I scream again and then stand, dusting my hands on my skirt and straightening out my hair. When I turn I freeze as I see Miss Thornhill standing at my door awkwardly.

"Oh. Um." I say, laughing awkwardly. "Sorry I knocked and when I didn't hear you respond I thought I would just drop off the thing I came by to give you. Bad day?" She asks and it lightens the mood a lot. I laugh and slump down on my bed. "Extremely."

I only now notice she has something behind her back. "Wait, what did you come by to give me?" I ask and sit up. She smiles and pulls out my favourite flower in a pot, freshly grown.

"Woah." I say and stand up. "I give one to all of my girls as soon as they get here but unfortunately, it hadn't grown yet the day you arrived." She hands it to me and smiles as I look at it like it's a diamond ring.

"I love it." I can feel myself almost tearing up as I stare at the sweet gesture. Honestly, with the lesson I just had, a chocolate bar would have made me cry.

I set it down in the sun and wipe the tears forming in my eyes. "Thank you, Miss Thornhill. Really." She nods and heads for the door. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here." She smiles softly and pushes her glasses up her nose.

"As am I." I reply and smile back. She closes the door and I sigh in content, falling back onto my bed. I stare at the flower as I fall asleep.


I jump as someone is pounding on my door. I quickly get up and open it. "What?" I pause as I see an out of breath Xavier. "How the hell did you get in here? I thought it was girls only..." I ask Xavier and he shrugs, trying to catch his breath. "I literally just walked in."

I frown. "Why are you out of breath?" He takes a deep breath. "You're late-" He breathes again. "for art. Principal Weems said if you can make it in two minutes she'll consider not giving you detention."

My eyes widen. I grab his arm and don't even close my door. We sprint down the empty halls. "I didn't realise I had overslept!" I say to Xavier who's huffing and puffing behind me.

"You think?" He asks sarcastically. We finally make it and I look at my watch. 20 seconds to spare.

I cheer in victory and open the door for Xavier and I . "Good Afternoon Miss Y/l/n." Principal Weems greets, staring down at me. I blush as I try to catch my breath.

"Good afternoon. I'm sorry, I slept in." Her eyes narrow but she nods and grabs a canvas, paint and paint brushes. She hands it to me and I sit next to Xavier since we're literally the only students in here.

"Uh uh, seperate." We begin to protest but stop as she looks up at us both with a glare. We seperate and I put my headphones on.

I turn on my music and let my imagination take over.


Once the hour and a half class is over I set my canvas on a rack to dry. Xavier leaves to his dorm and I grab my bag. I'm about to walk out the door when Principal Weems stops me.

"Oh, see you tonight, Miss Y/l/n." I frown and turn to her. "For what?" She smiles with her teeth. "Your detention, of course."

I stare at her in disbelief. "You said if I made it here in two minutes, you'd consider not giving me detention." She giggles and stares at me. The intense eye contact makes me blush.

"Tell me, Miss Y/l/n, what consider means." My teeth grind together as I stare down at the floor. "To think about wether to choose one option or the other."

"Exactly. Good girl." I can feel my knees about to buckle beneath me and I cringe, forcing myself to stay upright. "And right now, I'm considering my options and am choosing to give you detention."

I nod in defeat. "My office. 7pm. Don't be late or you'll regret it."

Wordcount: 814.

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