darts and kisses

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We've been sitting on this bench for almost the entirety of the trip and I'm starting to get restless. Im bored out of my goddamn mind and Principal Weems is still on her phone, chatting away.

"Mayor Walker, I appreciate your concern, but it's unnecessary. I have everything under control." She's been repeating the exact same thing in different forms and it's getting on my nerves.

I can tell she's minutes away from just telling Mayor Walker to eat it, and I don't want to be the nearest living source when she does.

"Principal Weems?" She turns to me and I smile sheepishly. "Can I atleast go play darts?" I ask hopefully. She waves me away and I almost fall from how fast I get up.

I run to the dart stand and pay the guy. "How many do I have to get to win?" "You need to hit atleast 5." I frown, knowing I'm not the best at darts.

Ive thrown eight darts so far and have hit only four. "My god I suck at this." I mutter, aiming again. I jump as a hand takes mine and aims the dart for me.

I recognise the long black hair that's flying about as Miss Frump lays her head softly on my shoulder, her left arm around my waist. "Relax, Cara Mia."

I curse myself for not being able to break away from her.

She pulls my hand back and leans closer to my ear. "Push forward when I tell you to." I can feel my cheeks beginning to redden and I adjust myself in her grasp.

"Now." She whispers, planting a kiss on my cheek. I push my arm forward and let go of the dart. I hit the last balloon and the guy seems uncomfortable as Miss Frump allows her lips to roam my neck.

"T-thank you, Miss F-frump." I say, silently asking her to stop. She smirks against my neck and places one last kiss on my pulse line.

"Anytime, Miss Y/l/n."


I return to the table with the massive bear that I won and find Principal Weems sitting there, her head in her hands. I sit down and her head snaps upwards.

Her phone is still ringing and she groans. She picks it up and answers. "Mayor Walker, if you call me one more time, so help me god." My eyes widen as I look down at my bear.

I can hear Mayor Walker talking from where I'm sitting. I sigh as I can hear Principal Weems nails digging into the table, leaving scratch marks.

He must be really dumb if he calls her back after this.

"Mayor walker, I want you to listen and listen good." I can feel my curiosity rising. "You are insufferable. And I want as little to do with you as possible. So no, I'm not 'playing hard' to get." She makes air quotes with her fingers and I giggle but cover it with a cough.

"I am not interested in you. And if you suggests that I am one more time, I will shape-shift into a bear and tear you apart. Or I could shape-shift into your wife, im sure that would scare you more."

I can tell from the face Principal Weems makes that she's disgusted by something he's just said. "You are repulsive!" She shouts as she hangs up and throws her phone into her purse.

I stare down at my bear, not looking up because I'm scared she'll take her anger out on me. Her breathing is heavy and full of irritation as she sits back up right.

"Where did you go?" She asks and I immediately point to the dart stand. She looks down at me and looks at the bear questionably.

I place the bear on the table and push it towards her. Her eyes soften as she stares at the bear. "You look like you need it more than me." I whisper, staring at the expression on her face to see if she gets mad at me.

She touches the bears hand and to my horror, it begins to talk. "I love you! I love you!" It chants over and over again and I look around, mortified.

"I didn't know it said that! I-" I move to pick up the bear when she snatches it. I look up at her and she's frowning at me.

She examines the bear, pressing the button on its hand over and over. "I love you!" It says as she presses it over and over again. I turn more red the more she presses it.

After awhile, her breathing is steady and I finally look up. She's staring down at me, examining something. Her eyes darken and she grows to her full height, tilting my head up.

She leans down, her breath ghosting over my neck and leaving goosebumps wherever it met my skin.


Larissa growls as she inspects the kiss marks on the girls neck. And she bites down on her tongue when she realises she knows who's lipstick that is.

And she'll be damned if she lets Morticia take what's hers.


Theres a certain glint in Principal Weems eyes. I haven't decided wether i like it or not yet. But it's there. And it's dark. Seductive.

"Y/n, darling, would you follow me?" I look up at her in confusion but know better than to question her. "Yes, Principal Weems."

I figure I'm in for a hell of a night when she walks in the direction of the forest.

Wordcount: 929.

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