"give mommy some sugar." (slight nsfw)

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A/n: hello I realise I haven't updated in like a month I think and I'm sorry😭😭😭 I have so much work for school to do but I promise I'll try my best uploading as much as I can during the holidays coming up<3


I'm tired. I'm tired of school. I'm tired of people. I'm tired of socialising. My phone begins to ring and I answer it mindlessly.

"Hello?" "Hi pumpkin." My dad says and I immediately find myself comforted at the sound of his voice. "Hi dad. What's the occasion?" "The occasion is im downstairs in the...Vivi what is it called?...The quad?" I sit straight up and run to my window.

Shit. I forgot it was parents day.

"Oh my god I forgot." I say and he laughs. "I can see that honey. Get ready and come down to see us, I miss you and vivi won't leave unless she sees you." "Okay, gimme five minutes."


I rush into dads arms and he pats my back. "I missed you dad!" I say and smile genuinely for what feels like forever. "I missed you more." He laughs as I hop down.

"Vivi!" I scream as I run to her because she's standing at the sandwich station. "Bunny!" I jump into her arms and wrap my legs around her. Vivi has been my best friend since kindergarten. She showers my face with kisses as she holds me tighter.


Larissa is chatting away with another parent who thinks she knows their child when she hears a scream. "Vivi!" She watches as Miss Y/l/n runs into a girls arms and wraps her legs around her.

"Bunny!" The girl holds y/n tight to her. Chest to chest. Her face in the crook of her neck. The sight is too much for her to bare. She must know who this girl is.

But before she has a chance to take a step, Miss Frump is already gliding gracefully, yet somehow irritably toward the pair.


"Afternoon, Miss Y/l/n." I hear behind me and I bite down on my lip nervously. I slowly dismount from Vivi and turn around. "Afternoon, Miss Frump."

She turns to my father and I turn to Vivi who's quite obviously eye fucking her. I elbow her and she blushes. "May I borrow her for just a moment?" Miss Frump asks politely. Please say no. "Of course. We'll be waiting right here."


The minute she finds an empty place with a door that locks she pushes me inside and onto the nearest wall. "My god what do you want?" I ask and she hisses.

"Don't ever talk to me like that, brat." I roll my eyes and gasp as her hand comes down to cup me firmly. "Does that feel good?" She asks. Refusing to give in, I shake my head.

"Oh it doesn't?" She cups me harder and I groan. "Sounds like you're enjoying it." She teases and I sigh. "What do you want?"

"Stop letting people touch what's mine, Cara mia." I blush and whimper as her lips find home on my neck. She softly sucks on my skin and I find myself annoyed that I'm enjoying it.

"I'm not yours." I manage to say. She laughs. "Oh honey you've been mine since you walked into this school." I whimper again as she grazes her sharp teeth along my neck.

"Now, I'd love to fucking destroy you right here for that bratty attitude but unfortunately, I don't think it would be good for the schools image if someone heard." I sigh, and I don't know if it's in relief or disappointment.

"Till next time, Cara Mia."


Vivi and dad are gone, unfortunately, and I'm currently sitting on my bed staring at the ceiling. I sit up in bed as I hear keys dangling against my door.

Only one person has the other set to my keys so I already know who it is. I cover myself with my blanket because I'm only in underwear and a large tshirt.

The door is pushed open and slammed. I look up at the woman as she strides over to me, removing her coat and throwing it on the floor to reveal her dress. I admire the way the fabric settles on the curve of her hips until I realise I'm supposed to be avoiding her.

"On your knees." She demands as she rips the blanket off of me. I pull my shirt over my knees and stare up at her confused. She looks down and begins to take off her rings until her eyes snap back in my direction because im not moving.

She sighs. "Y/n, do you want to fuck me?" The question sounds surreal, but I can't bring myself to answer or look at her because of my nerves.  "Look at me." She hisses and I look up at her.

"Good girl." She purrs and my breathing pattern becomes more erratic. "Now watch your headmistress strip for you." And she does. She reaches for the zip of her dress and slides it slowly off her shoulders, revealing her chest to be bare.

I stare at the soft creamy skin displayed and bite down on my lip subconsciously. I watch as she pushes the dress past a set of wide and curvy hips until her black lace panties are on display. The fabric pools on the floor and I take her body in.

She's perfect, in every goddamn way possible.

"On. Your. Knees." She smirks. I slowly crawl off my bed and settle myself on my knees infront of her. "Don't you think you're a bit too dressed for the occasion, love?" She asks and my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

I slowly drag my tshirt off myself and kneel there infront of her in only my underwear. "So delicious..." She mutters as she leans down and tilts my head up with her finger. "oh how I wish to have you writhing on my tongue..." I stare up at her as she takes her lower lip in between her teeth.

"Please...please let me taste you." I plead and she pouts. "Oh how pretty my baby looks when she begs." I sigh as her hand comes down to cup my cheek and I lean into her touch.

"I missed you baby." She breathes, with an expression full of love that changes to lust once I grasp her hand and place slow and sensual kisses on it.

"I missed you too, mommy." I whisper, staring up at her through my eyelashes as I kiss her hand. She inhales sharply and her eyes flutter shut. "Call me that again..." She breathes out. "I want to fuck you, mommy."

"Oh, my baby...give mommy some sugar."


Wordcount: 1130

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