sore loser (nsfw)

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Its the weekend again and I haven't seen Miss Frump or Principal Weems yet. Or atleast, they haven't seen me. I've been skipping Miss Frumps classes and ducking and dodging Principal Weems.

She almost found me alone in a corridor but I hid in a broom cupboard before she could see me. Though, she lingered around the door, almost like she had a feeling I was in there.

She walked away and I had never felt so relieved. She hasn't come to my dorm asking about me missing Miss Frumps classes for some reason but I'm not complaining.

I'm walking around the school at the literal dead of night because I can't sleep. I walk absentmindedly around, my thoughts far from here.

I keep asking myself why Principal Weems hasn't asked me about skipping class. It was unlike her entirely.

I jump as I accidentally drop my flashlight on the ground. I look around, unable to breath as I realise I'm in the teachers corridor. The air seems thick and I can barely breathe as I bend down to pick up the flashlight.

The eerie feeling of someone watching me makes my skin crawl. I turn around, almost choking on my spit as i see a figure standing there, their face glowing from the moonlight and their fangs barred.

"Miss Frump?" I ask quietly, frozen in my spot. She saunters closer, a dark look in her eyes as her hips sway majestically.

Her hips attract my attention and I blush as I look back up at her, knowing she caught me.

She stares lustfully at me as she walks closer. Her eyes look almost completely black and she seems to have blood smeared all over her mouth.

I shuffle backwards in fear, almost in tears as I realise this hallway is a dead end and I'm up against the wall. Her dark hair sways as she walks closer, her steps soundless.

She finally stops infront of me and leans down, snarling as she inhales the scent of blood. "P-please..." I say quietly, a tear slipping down my face.

"Whatever you want. I'll give it to you. Just don't hurt me." I plead and finally lets out a sound of laughter.

"You humiliated me." She hisses and I jump. I screw my eyes shut and ball my fist. I feel her nails scratching against my neck and I almost sob as I realise she could kill me if she wanted.

"But, you did something worse than that." I frown and look down at her. "Wh-" Before I can ask, her hand is clasped around my throat, as if she's trying to squeeze every drop of blood out of my body.

"Shut up." She hisses. "I'm going to fucking violate you." She whispers, biting softly at my neck. Not enough to make it bleed but enough to make it hurt.

I don't reply, scared she might just rip out my lungs. "I'm gonna have you crying, writhing beneath me as I work your body to its limit." I can feel myself getting wet.

"You made me lose. I lost to her because of you." She snarls and a second later her kisses become rougher. "Who on earth are you talking about?" I manage to ask and she chuckles.

I groan as her hand has found it's way into my shorts and cups my sex firmly. "The one who couldn't keep her hands off of what's mine. The one you couldn't keep your slutty legs closed to." I realise who she's talking about and I turn red.

"You're a sore loser." I say quietly as her fingers rub me through my underwear. Her hand is still in my pants as she pulls me off of the wall and into her room, shutting the door behind her with her foot.

"I'll teach you how to use that pretty mouth of yours properly, slut. Don't you worry." She pushes me onto her bed, staring down at me. The moment I try to get up she's straddling my waist, pressing a knife against my throat.

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