kiss kiss

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"Miss Thornhill, what do you do in your free time?" Miss Frump asks and I feel bad for Miss Thornhill.
The pair of coworkers have been absolutely brutal to her since they got here.

This might be the first time I've seen them actually work together. "I tend to my plants." Miss Thornhill says, quite unsure of herself because of how degrading these women were being right now.

"No husband?" Principal Weems asks, a tone of humour in her voice. I can feel Miss Thornhill beginning to give up and I finally look back at the pair of women.

"Do either of you have husbands?"

They both look at me and I have to force myself not to sink under the table. "Excuse me?" I sigh and fold my arms. "Well you're being quite immature about Miss Thornhill not having a husband, yet I don't see a ring on any of your fingers."

"I would imagin-" Miss Frump starts but I cut her off and stand up. They both raise their eyebrows at me and I almost fall to my knees.

"What? A husband?"

I pick Miss Thornhill up and push her out quickly, heat rising to my cheeks as I realise what I've just said.

I drag Miss Thornhill into the break room with me because I don't want her to get the consequences of my actions. "Tyler don't let anyone else in here." I say as I walk past him.

He nods absentmindedly and continues making drinks. I close the door to the break room behind me and sit down on a sofa.

"Y/n you shouldn't have done that." Miss Thornhill sighs heavily, but she seems grateful I did. "I know, it's just I couldn't stand them picking your life apart."

She nods and sits down. "Well, thank you." She smiles gratefully and I nod. "I kinda have to go. But I think I'll wait a little so things can cool down." I nod again and close my eyes, suddenly feeling tired.


Marilyn laughs as she finds the girl fast asleep on the sofa, still clutching the can of whip cream like her life depends on it.

She opts to leave the can in the girls hand and waits five minutes, just staring at the girl. "Thank you, darling." Marilyn whispers, picking up a blanket that was hung over the sofa and placing it on the girl.

She takes a deep breath and walks out of the break room, shutting the door behind her. She tries her best not to look in the direction of the two adults but her eyes betray her.

Marilyn shivers as she realises the two are already staring directly at her. She hurries out of the cafe, praying that the girl doesn't get into too much trouble.


Principal Weems pov:

I stare at Marilyn as she hurries out of the cafe, secretly hoping she trips on her way out. Morticia and I sit in comfortable silence, still processing what just happened.

I unintentionally giggle as I replay the conversation in my head. "What's so funny?" Morticia hisses and it makes me laugh harder.

"Oh don't get your panties in a twist, Morticia." I say lowly and my hand moves off of my lap and onto her knee. "I know that sharp tongue of hers has made you wet, darling."

I chuckle as my hand moves under her dress and over her underwear. I smile as I feel her wetness coat my fingers. "Larissa..." she warns and I rub her through her underwear.

"Larissa..." she moans and I click my tongue. "You're gonna have to be quiet, Miss Frump." I chuckle as she settles against the seat, her hands clutching the table infront of her.

"Mmph- Please..." She whines and I lean into her ear. "I will not lose her to you, Miss Frump." She seems to find this amusing and I press harder onto her clit making her gasp.

"She's mine." She manages to whisper out and I pout mockingly. "Is she, hm? Is she really?" She nods quickly, trying not to moan.

"I had her sucking whipped cream off of my fingers with two words." She attempts to smirk but it fails miserably as I move her underwear aside and shove my ring and middle finger into her.

"Fuck-" She pants and I relish the sound. "Well, Miss Frump. As much of an achievement as that is..." I bite down gently on her neck and move my thumb in circles on her clit.

"Fuck me Larissa...please..." She whispers out and I'm thankful that no one's sat near us.

"I had her panting, begging me to fuck her, begging me to make her cum." She growls and seems to lose focus on our conversation as I pump my fingers inside her. "Just like I have you now."


I wake up with a start, realising Miss Thornhill is missing. I wrap the blanket around me and open the door. The cafe is quite literally empty, and it's closed.

I almost sigh in relief until I see two people in the corner of my eye. I do however, exhale heavily in relief as I realise they're asleep.

I smirk as I watch Miss Frumps head fall slowly onto Principal Weems shoulder.

I'm about to leave, but I sigh and walk back over. I place the blanket on their laps and position them so they're comfortable. Luckily they're heavy sleepers.

I lean down, placing a soft kiss on each of their cheeks. Morticia scrunches her nose up and I almost awe at the sight. As for Principal Weems, she simply smiles. And it makes me think that maybe she isn't actually asleep.

But I don't stick around to find out.

Wordcount: 958

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