"Tell mommy you want it." (nsfw)

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A/n: just wanted to warn you the smut may not be everyone's taste, in the sense that there's penis involved. sorry pookies❤️


I kiss my way up her silky smooth thighs and she holds the back of my head. "Mmmm..." she smiles as I worship her legs.

I don't know when we ended up on my bed, but we did. Her back arches as I kiss over her panties. "Don't tease me, please I can't take it." She whines, pushing my head harder against her core.

I lick a strip upwards across her panties and smile as she bucks her hips against my tongue. "Ah-" I continue to slowly lick at her through her panties, soaking the fabric to the point it's moulded the shape of her.

"Love- please! I can't take it anymore!" She begs and I smirk. "What do you want mommy?" She groans as she pulls at my hair. "Please fuck me...I need you inside of me."

I toy with her underwear, pulling it up and hitting her clit with it. "Ugh-" I begin to kiss around her wetness, never getting too close to where she needs me.

"Shit...love, please- anything, I'll do anything. Just, please, fuck mommy like the whore she is. Take your frustrations out on me, baby." My eyes flutter shut as she speaks.

I yank her underwear down her legs so hard that it rips. I flatten my tongue and dive between her legs, licking at her arousal and holding her hips down when she bucks towards me.

"That's right...eat me baby...just like that." She pants as I lap at her wetness. "I missed you so much...don't ever leave mommy again- OH!" She cries out as I take her clit between my teeth and gently bite down. I look up, only to be met with her squeezing her own breasts in her hands.

"Oh god!" She shrieks as I fill her with my tongue. "Right there! God right there please!" She cries as I curl my tongue inside of her.  "Does that feel good?" I ask, smiling into her as I replace my tongue with my fingers.

She's halfway through her sentence when I curl my fingers inside of her. "Oh...it feels so go- AH- FUCK!" She cries, pushing my head harder against her cunt.

"I'm gonna cum- you're gonna make me cum." She pants. I attach myself to her clit and suck like it's my last night alive. "Ugh- I'm cumming baby-"

A second later, the taste of her is flooding into my mouth. I moan as she does, gripping harder onto her thighs to keep her stable as she reaches her high. "Fuck...that's right, consume mommy."

"Oh baby..." She utters, subtly riding my face as she comes down from heaven. "You taste so good, mommy." I praise, squealing when she pulls me up from between her legs and kisses me, hot and heavy. "And you eat me so good, darling."

I settle down onto her lap and relax against her. "Oh love...you didn't think we were done, did you?" I gasp as she switches us, me under her with her between my legs. Her front is pushed against mine and her lips are right next to my ear.

"Tell mommy you want it." She demands in a breathy tone. "Mommy I don't want it...I need it. I need you to fuck me into oblivion...please."

I gasp as I feel something pushing against my cunt through my underwear. "Mommy?" I ask, groaning as she pressed harder against me.

"Tell me you don't want me inside you, filling you up and leaving cum leaking out of your hole and I'll stop, darling." She whispers against my neck as I rut against her.

"I-" I shamelessly grind against her, working myself closer to my limit when she suddenly pins my hips down. "Do you want it or not, slut?" I whine. "Yes- God, I want it so bad, please just fuck me, fill me up and make me yours mommy."

She chuckles and teases my entrance with her fingers before pulling my underwear down my legs. I look up at her with my best puppy eyes and grab at her shoulders.

"Please-" She smiles and lines herself up with my hole. "Ready, baby?" I nod eagerly and she begins to push into me. "Ugh-" I dig my nails into her shoulders as I feel the length of her stretching my walls.

"Oh god..." She sighs, her head falling back and her lower lip caught between her teeth. "You feel so good, darling." She praises and I push my hips upwards, yelling insync with her as she hits a spot that makes me want to cry and cum all at once.

"Right there! Fuck me right there mommy please!" I cry out and gasp as she hits that spot again. I interlock my legs behind her back, holding her against me as she pounds into me.

"Does that feel good, slut?" She asks and I nod rapidly. "S-so...so good." I whine, grabbing onto her breasts and squeezing. She moans, her pace slowing down as she begins to tremble inside me. She's about to cum.

"No no no no no-" I whine as her mouth falls agape, her head flying back. I impulsively flip her onto her back.

"Wait for me...please." I beg, beginning to grind slowly back and forth on her length. "Don't keep mommy waiting- please-" She whines out as I pick up the pace and bounce up and down on her cock.

"Mommy im gonna cum! Please, make me feel good!" I cry out and she responds by slamming herself into my repeatedly, whispering nothing but sweet and dirty words in my ear.

"Cum for mommy baby." She whispers and I cry out when I feel her leaking into me. This enables a flood to open between my legs. "Oh Principal Weems!" I scream as I feel her cumming inside me.

I breathe heavily as I come down from my high and slump onto Principal Weems. "Come here love." She says, opening her arms. I crawl into her arms and rest my head on her bare chest.

"Thank you, Principal Weems." I say, kissing her between her breasts. "Call me Larissa, princess." I nod sleepily as she kisses my head. She holds me closer, her breathing pattern present directly in my ear.

"Thank you, Larissa." I say, a smile on my face. "No. Thank you my darling Angel." She pulls the blanket over us and I smile, a feeling of security creeping up on me. I feel...at home.

I grin as my eyes close, the night taking me away. Only one thought comes to mind. Is this what love feels like?


Wordcount: 1135

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