"Good girl."

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Morticia barges into Larissas office and the woman doesn't even flinch. "Miss Frump." Larissa sighs, writing something down. Probably that she needs to remember to lock her door.

"She's not a virgin." Larissas head springs up in confusion. "I beg your pardon?" Larissa places her pen down and stares at Morticia.

"She's not a virgin." Larissa is still confused as she gestures for Morticia to take a seat. "Who on earth are you talking about?"

"Miss y/l/n." Although Larissa feels a tad bit annoyed that she wouldn't be the girls first, she pushes it down and turns back to Morticia, who she's starting to get annoyed with.

"Okay?..." Larissa rubs her temple, trying to feel if Morticias antics have given her a wrinkle yet. "She was a virgin when I first tasted her..." Larissa finds her lips pressed in a thin line.

"And when Miss Tanaka did yesterday morning. And I tasted her today, and she's not anymore. Theres no way she could've had sex during school. She was either in class or eating. And after she left breakfast on Sunday morning no one had seen her for the rest of the day. And she didn't ask for a leave permission slip."

Larissa nods, trying her best to smile but is sure it comes out as a grimace. "So you're telling me, you know that a student snuck out yesterday night because she was a virgin and now she's not?"

Morticia nods. "Right...and are you going to tell me how you and her blood somehow came into contact again?" Morticia freezes. She didn't think this through. But then again, the girl and her were at war. And Morticia doesn't like losing.

She takes a deep breath because she would need it if she was going to explain the whole situation to Larissa. She shrinks in her chair as Larissas lips go from a straight line to a sickly sweet smile. One she recognises as the 'I'm going to destroy you' smile.


"Larissa- I said I was so- Fuck!" Morticia whines, her knuckles turning white from the grip she has on Larissas desk. Morticias chest is pressed against the wood and Larissas stood behind her, using a single hand to pin her there.

"And yet," Larissa delivers another hard blow with the paddle in her hand, earning a cry from Morticia. "you failed to mention a student sneaking out."

Morticia is almost in tears, knowing she's in for hell. Larissa was not a woman to play with. Not by someone she trusted. And especially not about her students.


It's morning and I'm about to walk out of my dorm when the door flies open, almost knocking me over. "Goodmorning Miss Y/l/n." Principal Weems smiles, one that doesn't reach her ears.

I know why she's here. I feel the rage building up inside me and I walk past Principal Weems, wanting to pay Miss Frump a visit. I've almost made it down the hall when I hear her.

"Miss Y/l/n, I'd rethink rounding that corner. You won't like the consequences that come with it." The sound of Principal Weems voice, so seductive and powerful makes me stop in my tracks, turning on my heel. I can feel my legs beginning to ache as I look up at the taller woman.

"Yes?" She walks closer to me and I walk backwards, panicking as I feel my back hit the wall.  "Walk away from me again, and I will fucking destroy you." My breathing grows rapid as I feel Principal Weems breath against my neck. "Understand?"

"Y-yes Principal Weems." I flush in embarrassment at my stutter and she smirks. "As for your punishment, Miss Y/l/n, I'm afraid you're going to have to spend the harvest festival with me."

I groan. I want to object since I actually really wanted to go with Yoko when she presses her body flush against mine. I whimper, and she chuckles at the sound.

"Till then." Without another word shes strutting off down the hall. A part of me is sad to see her go, but the part that lowers its eyes, wishes to see it more.


I throw on a denim skirt with black tights and a tshirt with a leather jacket. I walk onto the shuttle bus and spot Yoko in the back. She waves me over.

I'm about to make my way over to her when Principal Weems, who's all the way in the front, clears her throat.

I smile sheepishly at Yoko and sit down next to Principal Weems, placing my bag between us. "Darling, you're already on thin ice." She says, a smile on her face. One I know isn't genuine.

I sigh and drop my bag onto the floor, moving over and sitting down properly. I roll my eyes as Miss Frump enters, and frowns seeing who I'm sitting next to.

She takes a seat directly behind us and begins to pester Principal Weems. I'm just glad it's not me.


"Miss y/l/n?" Miss Frump peaks her head around the chair and smirks as I ignore her. Principal Weems stares down at me and I ignore her too.


"Y/n." Morticia grabs a strand of the girls hair and begins playing with it. She knows why the girl is ignoring her, and she finds it amusing.

"Don't be rude, Miss Y/l/n." Larissa says to the girl who still, ignores them both. Without realising, Morticia and Larissa lean closer to the girls ear at the same time.

The girl can sense they're inching closer and thanks god they're near the festival. The bus stops and the girl immediately gets out, stomping her way to the nearest bathroom.


I lock the bathroom door behind me and lean on the sink. I splash my face with water and look in the mirror. "Stop being a wuss." I whisper to myself.

I take a deep breath and open the door, jumping as Principal Weems leans against the doorframe, her mouth twitching. I gasp as I'm pushed back into the bathroom and the door shuts behind Principal Weems.

Before I can ask what she's doing, her hand is around my throat. "What the hell did I say about walking away from me?" I grasp onto her hands, screwing my eyes shut.

Stop being a kinky fuck. You're going to pass out soon you idiot.

"I'm s-sorry." I stutter and she brings her mouth to my ear. "That's not good enough, Miss Y/l/n." I gasp as her hand trails down my stomach. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door.

"Hello? Is anybody in there? I have a child wanting to throw up out here. Timmy, I said hold it!" Principal Weems rolls her eyes and the door swings open.

She pulls me with her and the mother looks mortified at us. "I'm sorry, ma'am!" I say quickly as the boy rushes into the bathroom.

Once we're out of view she stops at a bench and shoves me onto the seat. She sits across from me and my eyes roam the table between us awkwardly.

Her phone rings and she answers it, to her displeasure. "I have to take this..." She stares at me and I stare back.

"Will you be a good girl and wait here for me, hm?" I freeze, lost for words. She notices this and tilts her head. "Darling?" I realise i havent said anything. I nod rapidly like a puppy who's just been offered a treat and she smirks. "Good girl." She praises and turns on her heel.

I squeeze my legs together as she walks away, and I'm again blessed with the sight of her swaying hips and backside.

"I can feel your eyes, Miss Y/l/n." She calls out over her shoulder and I blush.

I watch as she talks on the phone in an impatient tone, her hand on her hip. People stare in awe as they walk by her and she doesn't seem to care.

I'm gonna have dreams about this very moment over and over and over again. And I don't have to be a seer to know that.

Wordcount: 1359.

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